AR37.1 - Review Payment Batch
**Form Purpose
Use Review Payment Batch (AR37.1) to view and reverse payment applications
before posting to the general ledger. AR37.1 displays all payment applications
associated with a specific cash batch.
Updated Files
ARADJUST - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARAPPLIED - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARCUSTOMER - Updates customer balances and validates customer record.
ARCUSTPER - Updates customer period totals for affected payments.
AROIHDR - Displays open item header information.
AROITEMS - Updated by amount of payment or credit applied to an open item
when application record is deleted.
ARPAYMENT - Updated by amount of payment applied to an open item when
application record is deleted.
CUSTDESC - Updates customer balance.
NATBALANCE - Updates national account balance.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARPYMNTHDR - Displays payment header information.
GLADDRESS - Validates general ledger company information.
GLCHART - Used as part of general ledger account validation.
GLSYSTEM - Validates general ledger company information.
NATACCT - Access for application information.
AR37.2 - Review Payment
**Form Purpose
Use Review Payment (AR37.2) to view and reverse payment applications before
posting to the general ledger. AR37.2 displays all applications associated
with a specific payment.
Updated Files
ARADJUST - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARAPPLIED - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARCUSTOMER - Updates customer balances and validates customer record.
ARCUSTPER - Updates customer period totals for affected payments.
AROIHDR - Displays open item header information.
AROITEMS - Updated by amount of payment or credit applied to an open item
when application record is deleted.
ARPAYMENT - Updated by amount of payment applied to an open item when
application record is deleted.
CUSTDESC - Updates customer balance.
NATBALANCE - Updates national account balance.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates part of company information.
ARPYMNTHDR - Displays payment header information.
GLADDRESS - Validates general ledger company information.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart information.
GLSYSTEM - Validates part of company information.
NATACCT - Accesses application information.
AR37.3 - Expanded Payment
**Form Purpose
Use Expanded Payment (AR37.3) to view and reverse a payment application
before posting to the general ledger. This subform displays all adjustments
associated with a specific payment application.
Updated Files
ARADJUST - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARAPPLIED - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARCUSTOMER - Updates customer balances and validates customer record.
ARCUSTPER - Updates customer period totals for affected payments.
AROIHDR - Displays open item header information.
AROITEMS - Updated by amount of payment or credit applied to an open item
when application record is deleted.
ARPAYMENT - Updated by amount of payment applied to an open item when
application record is deleted.
CUSTDESC - Updates customer balance.
NATBALANCE - Updates national account balance.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARREASON - Validates reason code record.
GLADDRESS - Validates general ledger company information.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart information.
GLSYSTEM - Validates general ledger company information.
NATACCT - Accesses application information.
AR37.4 - Review Credit
**Form Purpose
Use Review Credit (AR37.4) to view and reverse credit applications before
posting to the general ledger. AR37.4 displays all applications associated
with a specific credit memo. You can display credit memo applications for both
open item and balance forward customers; however, you can maintain
applications for open item customers only. Applications display in the order
they were applied.
Updated Files
ARADJUST - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARAPPLIED - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARCUSTOMER - Updates customer balances and validates customer record.
ARCUSTPER - Updates customer period totals for affected credit memos.
AROIHDR - Displays open item header information.
AROITEMS - Updated by amount of payment or credit applied to an open item
when application record is deleted.
ARPAYMENT - Updated by amount of payment applied to an open item when
application record is deleted.
CUSTDESC - Updates customer balance.
NATBALANCE - Updates national account balance.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates part of company information.
GLADDRESS - Validates general ledger company information.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart information.
GLSYSTEM - Validates part of company information.
NATACCT - Accesses application information.
AR37.5 - Expanded Credit
**Form Purpose
Use Expanded Credit (AR37.5) to view and reverse a credit memo application
before posting to the general ledger. This subform displays all adjustments
associated with a specific credit memo application.
You can view credit memo applications for open item customers only. All
adjustments associated with the application display in the order they were
**More Information
To reverse a credit memo application, select the Delete line action. Access
AR30 (Application) if you want to re-add a correct application. Access AR35.1
(Application Adjustments) to change the applied or adjusted amount of an
Updated Files
ARADJUST - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARAPPLIED - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARCUSTOMER - Updates customer balances and validates customer record.
ARCUSTPER - Updates customer period totals for affected credit memos.
AROIHDR - Displays open item header information.
AROITEMS - Updated by amount of payment or credit applied to an open item
when application record is deleted.
ARPAYMENT - Updated by amount of payment applied to an open item when
application record is deleted.
CUSTDESC - Updates customer balance.
NATBALANCE - Updates national account balance.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates part of company information.
ARREASON - Displays reason type.
GLADDRESS - Validates general ledger company information.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart information.
GLSYSTEM - Validates part of company information.
NATACCT - Accesses application information.
AR37.6 - Review Transaction
**Form Purpose
Use Review Transaction (AR37.6) to review and reverse transaction
applications before posting to the general ledger. AR37.6 displays all
applications associated with a specific transaction. You can view transaction
applications for both open item and balance customers; however, you can
maintain applications for open item customers only. Applications display in
the order they were applied.
Updated Files
ARADJUST - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARAPPLIED - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARCUSTOMER - Updates customer balances and validates customer record.
ARCUSTPER - Updates customer period totals for affected transactions.
AROIHDR - Displays open item header information.
AROITEMS - Updated by amount of payment or credit applied to an open item
when application record is deleted.
ARPAYMENT - Updated by amount of payment applied to an open item when
application record is deleted.
CUSTDESC - Updates customer balance.
NATBALANCE - Updates national account balance.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates part of company information.
ARDRAFTS - Obtains information concerning bills of exchange applied
against a transaction.
GLADDRESS - Validates general ledger company information.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart information.
GLSYSTEM - Validates part of company information.
NATACCT - Updates national account balance.
AR37.7 - Expanded Transaction
**Form Purpose
Use Expanded Transaction (AR37.7) to view and reverse a transaction
application before posting to the general ledger. This subform displays all
adjustments associated with a specific transaction application.
You can view transaction applications for both open item and balance forward
customers; however, you can maintain applications for open item customers
only. All adjustments associated with the application display in the order
they were created.
Updated Files
ARADJUST - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARAPPLIED - Deletes records when a payment or application record is
ARCUSTOMER - Updates customer balances and validates customer record.
ARCUSTPER - Updates customer period totals for affected transactions.
AROIHDR - Displays open item header information.
AROITEMS - Updated by amount of payment or credit applied to an open item
when application record is deleted.
ARPAYMENT - Updated by amount of payment applied to an open item when
application record is deleted.
CUSTDESC - Updates customer balance.
NATBALANCE - Updates national account balance.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates part of company information.
ARPYMNTHDR - Displays payment header information.
ARREASON - Validates reason code record.
BLINVHDR - Validates open item header file for manually created open
GLADDRESS - Validates general ledger company information.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart information.
GLSYSTEM - Validates general ledger company information.
NATACCT - Accesses application information.
AR37.8 - Review Grouped Applications
**Form Purpose
Use Review Grouped Applications (AR37.8) to view obligations applied to a
bill of exchange, credit memo, or debit memo before posting to the general
ledger. AR37.8 displays all obligations applied to a specific bill of
exchange in DT150 (Selection, Generation of BOE) or all obligations that were
grouped to create a new debit memo in AR44.1 (Invoice Obligation Grouping).
**More Information
You can view obligations for both open item and balance forward customers;
however, you can maintain applications for open item customers only.
Applications display in the order they were applied.
Choose the More button to transfer to the Expanded Grouped Applications
subform to view additional information.
Updated Files
CBBANKINST - Validates the payment code. Sets the used flag to Yes.
Referenced Files
ARADJUST - Obtains information concerning adjustment records for grouped
ARAPPLIED - Obtains information concerning application records for grouped
ARCOMP - Validates the company record.
ARCUSTOMER - Validates the customer record.
ARDRAFTS - Displays bill of exchange information.
AROIHDR - Displays open item header information.
AROITEMS - Displays open item detail information.
CUSTDESC - Obtains the customer's name.
AR37.9 - Expanded Grouped Applications
**Form Purpose
Use Expanded Grouped Applications (AR37.9) to view a bill of exchange or
debit memo application before posting to the general ledger. This subform
displays adjustments associated with a specific application.
**More Information
You can view transaction applications for both open item and balance forward
customers; however, you can maintain applications for open item customers
only. All adjustments associated with the application display in the order
they were created.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ARADJUST - Obtains information concerning adjustment records for grouped
ARAPPLIED - Obtains information concerning application records for grouped
ARCOMP - Validates the company record.
AROIHDR - Used to validate open item header record.
AROITEMS - Displays open item detail information.
ARREASON - Validates reason code record.
CUSTDESC - Obtains the customer's name.
INVOKED Programs