AR505 - Customer Balance Conversion
**Form Purpose
Run Customer Balance Conversion (AR505) to update customer, customer group,
and national account balances for all open items. AR505 zeros out customer
balances and re-calculate them at the customer, customer group, and national
account levels.
If you run AR505 after initial conversion, make sure that memo type
chargebacks are fully processed with Entry and Application (AR30) and
Application Closing (AR190) before you run AR505.
Updated Files
ARCUSTOMER - Customer balance updated.
CKPOINT - Used for restart purposes.
CUSTDESC - Customer description balance updated.
NATBALANCE - National account balance updated.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates Accounts Receivable company file.
ARCUSTGRP - Use as part of company validation.
ARDRAFTS - Used to calculate Bills of Exchange balance.
AROIHDR - Used to access open items.
AROITEMS - Used to obtain transaction amounts.
ARPAYMENT - Used to obtain transaction amounts.
NATACCT - Used to validate national account customer relationship.