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BN145 - Flex Dollars Calculation

**Form Purpose
Run Flex Dollars Calculation (BN145) to calculate flex dollars for employees
in a flex plan for an entire flex plan year. If a flex plan gives flex dollars
based on benefit election, run BN145 to create flex dollar records so that
each eligible employee becomes a participant in the flex plan.

For each employee, the report lists: annual salary, base dollars, number of
flex dollars given before benefit election, pre-tax dollar limits, and the
total flex and pre-tax dollars. Base dollars are the flex dollars given to
every eligible employee in the flex plan. If the flex dollars calculated for
an employee are greater than the plan's maximum or less than the plan's
minimum, the report shows the increase or decrease in flex dollars based on
those parameters.

**Processing Effect
If the flex plan lets employees keep a percentage of their unspent flex
dollars, when the application creates flex dollars, it creates a standard time
record for each employee in PR30.1 (Standard Time Record). You should enroll
employees in their benefits before the first payroll run of the flex plan year
to offset the standard time record. (For information on how the Benefits
Administration application tracks flex dollars, see the Benefits
Administration User Guide.)

If you change flex dollar parameters in BN08.1 (Flex Credits) and re-run
BN145 to Update, it recalculates flex dollars. You can recalculate flex
dollars using BN145 until you enroll employees in benefits. If you change an
employee's flex dollar record in BN45.1 (Employee Flex Dollars) and re-run
BN145, it does not create a new flex dollar record for the employee for the
flex plan year.

BN145 uses parameters from the Salary Calculation and Age Credits subform in
BN08.1 (Flex Credits) to determine an employee's age and salary. You can
override the salary and recalculate flex dollars in BN45.1.

Updated Files

    BENEFIT    - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
                 for all benefit types.

                 The Employee Benefit file is used by common routine.

    CKPOINT    - The Check Point file is used to allow recovery.

    EMDEDMASTR - The Employee Deduction file is used to update employee

    EMPFLEXDOL - The Employee Flex Dollar file is used to update flex dollars.

    EMPFLEXREM - The Employee Flex Period Dollars file is accessed by this

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file is used to update the employee file.

    HRHISTORY  - The HR History file is accessed to retrieve the annual salary
                 on an "as of" date, the FTE number, and the annual number of
                 hours for a job.


    STANDTIME  - The Payroll Standard Time Record file is accessed by this

Referenced Files

    BNACCOUNTS - The Benefit Accounts file validates general ledger override
                 account information.

    BNANNENR   -

    BNCOMPANY  - The Benefit Company Parameters file is used to verify company

    BNCOVDFT   - The Benefit Coverage Defaults file is accessed to verify that
                 the coverage default is set up for the employee and date.

    BNCOVERAGE - The Benefit Coverage file is accessed to verify that coverage
                 is set up for an employee and date.

    BNFAMSTS   -


    BNPLNENR   -

    BNWAIT     - The Benefit Plan Waiting Period file contains waiting period

    DEDCODE    - The Deduction file is used to access flex deductions.

    DEDFREQTBL - The Frequency Table file is used to access the frequency table
                 linked to the flex plan.

    DEPTCODE   - The Department file is used to access department records.

    EMDEPEND   - The Employee Dependent file is accessed to retrieve the
                 spouse's birthdate and smoker status.

    FLEXDOLLAR - The Flex Dollars file is used to verify flex dollar

    FLEXPLAN   - The Flex Benefit Plan file is used to verify flex benefit plan.

    GLINTCO    -

    GLSYSTEM   -

    HRHISTORY  - The HR History file is accessed to retrieve the annual salary
                 on an "as of" date, the FTE number, and the annual number of
                 hours for a job.

    HRSECLEV   - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this report.

    HRSUPER    - The Supervisors file is accessed by this report.

    JOBCODE    - The Job Code Parameters file is used to access annual hours on
                 the job code.

    ONETMDED   - The Payroll One-Time Deduction file is accessed by this report.

    PADICT     -

    PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee PA Information file is used to access employee

    PASCRTY    - The Data Item Attribute Parameters file is used to determine
                 whether a field should be logged in the logfile.

    PAYDEDUCTN - The Employee Payment Deductions file is accessed to validate
                 that the employee is set up for a pay deduction.

    PAYMASTR   -

    PCODES     - The Human Resources Code file is used to verify locations.

    PERSGROUP  - The Employee Group Header file is accessed to validate the
                 group name and to retrieve the group description.

    PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is accessed to retrieve all
                 the employees in a group.

    PGSELECT   - The Employee Group Selection Criteria file is accessed to
                 determine if a group is part of the selection criteria.

    PLAN       - The Benefit Plan file is used by common routine.

    PREMDEDHST - The Employee Deduction History file is accessed by this report.

    PREMIUM    - The Benefit Plan Premium file is accessed to verify that the
                 premium is set up for an employee.

    PROTPAYPRD - The Overtime Pay Periods file is accessed to determine the
                 start and end date of the work period. This information is
                 needed to determine if the entry point is valid.

    PROTWRKPRD - The Overtime Work Periods file is accessed to determine the
                 start and end of the work period. This information is used to
                 determine if the entry point is valid.

    PROVERTIME - The Overtime Pay Plan is accessed to determine verify that the
                 pay plan exists.

    PRRATEHIST - The Employee Rate History file is accessed to determine the
                 employee's salary on an "as of" date.

    PRSAGDTL   - The Step and Grade Schedule Detail file is used to retrieve
                 employees pay rate if a step and grade employee.


    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify
                 company information.


    PRTAXLEVY  - The Payroll Tax Levy file is accessed by this program.

    PRTAXLOC   -

    PRTIME     - The Employee Pay/Hours History file is accessed to add an
                 employee's hours worked to the "from" date to calculate the
                 waiting period date.

    PSGRELATE  - The Pay Class/Pay Sum Group Relation file is accessed to
                 determine if hours should be added or subtracted.

    RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file is accessed to retrieve the rate
                 for coverage using age or years of service.

    RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header file is used to verify rate table codes.

INVOKED Programs
