BN15.1 - Benefit Plan
**Form Purpose
Use Benefit Plan (BN15.1) to define benefit plans for employees, retirees,
and COBRA participants.
**More Information
The types of benefit plans you can define include, but are not limited to,
health, dental, and disability. To further define most plan types, you select
a category. For example, for spending accounts, you indicate whether it's a
medical reimbursement or dependent care. For health plans, you indicate
whether it's a medical or vision plan.
Within each plan, you can define unique coverage, contributions, and waiting
periods for different groups of employees. For example, you can define a plan
with a 60-day waiting period for part-time employees and a 30-day waiting
requirement for full-time employees. The plan could offer union employees life
coverage as one, two or three times their salary, while non-union employees
can choose between one to five times their salary in coverage. Contributions
for the plan could be an annual $1,000 for employees in the Mid-west and
$2,000 for employees on the west coast.
Updated Files
BNACCOUNTS - The Benefit Accounts file validates general ledger override
account information.
BNCOMMENTS - Comments are deleted from the Benefit Comments file when the
plan is deleted.
BNCOVDFT - Covered defaults are deleted from the Benefits Coverage
Defaults file when the plan is deleted.
BNCOVERAGE - Coverage records are deleted from the Benefits Coverage file
when the plan is deleted.
BNCOVOPT - Covered options are deleted from the Benefits Coverage Options
file when the plan is deleted.
BNINVEST - Benefit investments are deleted from the Benefit Distribution
file when the plan is deleted and updated with investment
BNPRMOPT - The Premium Options file updates with premium option
BNWAIT - Benefits waiting periods are deleted from the Benefits Waiting
Period file when the plan is deleted.
CONTRDETL - The Contribution Detail Schedule is updated.
DEDCODE - Deduction codes are verified and the "Used" flag is
initialized when a plan is deleted.
FLEXPLAN - The Flex Plan file is updated to indicate flex benefit types.
PLAN - The Benefit Plan file is the primary file updated by this
PREMIUM - The Premium file is updated with the status.
PRPAYCODE - The Pay Code file is updated with a benefits used flag.
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
for all benefit types.
The Benefits file is accessed to ensure a plan is not deleted
if benefits exist.
BNCARRIER - The Insurance Carrier file validates the insurance carrier and
retrieves the carrier name.
BNCATEGORY - The Plan Category validates category entered on screen.
BNCOMPANY - The Benefit Company Parameters file validates the benefits
BNPOSTCODE - The Benefits Postal Code file validates the postal code table.
CODA - The Cash Or Deferred Account History file contains employee
account balances for defined contribution and defined benefit
COMPHIST - The Employee Compensation History file contains employee
compensation history data.
DEDFREQTBL - The Frequency Table validates the deduction frequency.
PARTBEN - The COBRA Participants Benefit file is accessed to ensure a
plan is not deleted if COBRA participants or retiree benefits
PAYCLASS - The Pay Class file validates the benefits pay class.
PERSGROUP - The Employee Group Header file validates the employee group.
PLANMASTER - The Time Accrual Plan file validates the plan and retrieves
the plan description.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify
company information.
RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file is accessed to verify rates and to
calculate the total employee rate.
RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header file validates the rate table.
VESTSCHDHD - The Vesting Schedule Detail file validates the vesting
schedule and retrieves the vesting schedule description.
BN15.2 - Benefit Plan
Use the Benefit Plan (BN15.2) subform to enter plan details.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
INVOKED Programs