BN259 - Spending Account Payment Report
**Form Purpose
Run Spending Account Payment Report (BN259) to print a report of spending
account transactions from BN59.1 (Spending Account Transactions).
For each employee or COBRA participant, the list shows: benefit start date,
transaction date, transaction number, transaction amount, transaction
description, and the employee's termination date, if applicable.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
BNCOMPANY - The Benefit Company Parameters file is used to verify company
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file contains employee data.
FLEXDOLLAR - The Flex Dollars file is used to verify whether a flex dollar
record is established for the date entered.
FLEXPLAN - The Flex Benefit Plan file is used to verify flex plans.
HRSECLEV - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this report.
PLAN - The Benefit Plan file is used to verify plan codes.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file contains company
parameter data.
RESTRANS - The Spending Account Transactions file contains spending
account transactions.