BN65.1 - Election Simulation
**Form Purpose
Use Election Simulation (BN65.1) to simulate enrolling an employee in benefit
plans. This simulation uses the same edits the benefit enrollment forms use.
Note You do not need to create a flex dollar record for the employee before
you use this simulation.
**Processing Effect
The form displays all benefits plans for which the employee is eligible. The
application uses an enrollment date to determine the appropriate plans and
contributions for the employee.
For flex plans, the application spends flex dollars before spending employee
pre-tax dollars.
Updated Files
BNSIMDTL - The Benefit Simulation Detail file is accessed by this program.
BNSIMHDR - The Benefit Simulation file is accessed by this program.
EMDEDMASTR - The Employee Acct Distribution Override file is accessed by
this program.
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file is used to verify employees.
HRHISTORY - The HR History file is accessed to retrieve the employee's
salary history.
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
for all benefit types.
BNACCOUNTS - The Benefit Accounts file validates general ledger override
account information.
BNCOMPANY - The Benefit Company Parameters file is used to verify company
BNCOVDFT - The Benefits Coverage Defaults file is accessed to retrieve
coverage options.
BNCOVERAGE - The Benefit Coverage file is accessed to retrieve coverage
BNCOVOPT - The Benefits Coverage Options file is accessed to retrieve
coverage options.
BNPOSTCODE - The Benefits Postal Code file is updated with postal codes for
the company.
BNPRMOPT - The Benefit Premium Options file is used to retrieve coverage
BNWAIT - The Benefit Plan Waiting Period file contains waiting period
CONTRDETL - The Contribution Schedule Detail file is used to verify
contribution schedule detail.
DEDCODE - The Deduction file is accessed to retrieve deduction code
DEDFREQTBL - The Deduction Frequency Table is used to retrieve the
frequency of the deduction.
EMDEPEND - The Employee Dependent file is accessed to retrieve dependent
EMPFLEXDOL - The Employee Flex Dollars file is accessed to verify that flex
dollars exist.
EMTAMASTR - The Employee Time Accrual Master is accessed to verify that
the employee is set up in a time accrual plan.
FLEXDOLLAR - The Flex Dollars file is used to calculate flex dollars.
FLEXPLAN - The Flex Plan file is accessed to retrieve core plans and to
determine if the plan is spend only. The file is also accessed
to retrieve the flex plan description.
HRHISTORY - The HR History file is accessed to retrieve the employee's
salary history.
HRSECLEV - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this program.
JOBCODE - The Job Code Parameters file is used to verify employee's job
ONETMDED - The Payroll One-Time Deduction file is accessed by this
PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee PA Information file is used to verify employees.
PASCRTY - The Data Item Attribute Parameters file is accessed to
retrieve the security level of the field.
PAYDEDUCTN - The Employee Payment Deduction file is accessed by this
PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is used to verify employees
in employee group.
PGSELECT - The Employee Group Selection Criteria file is accessed to
retrieve employee group information.
PLAN - The Benefit Plan file is used to access all plans.
PREMDEDHST - The Employee Deduction History file is used to retrieve
deduction amounts.
PREMIUM - The Benefit Plan Premium file is used to verify premium of
plan selected.
PRRATEHIST - The Employee Rate History file is to determine the employee's
salary in history.
PRSAGDTL - The Step and Grade Schedule Detail file is accessed to
retrieve the step and grade salary.
PRSAGHEAD - The Step and Grade Schedule Header File is accessed to
retrieve the step and grade salary.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify
company information.
PRTAXLEVY - The Payroll Tax Levy file is accessed to verify the tax levy
RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file is accessed to retrieve the company
rate and employee rate from the table.
RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header file is used to verify rate table codes.
BN65.2 - Flex Credits
**Form Purpose
Use Flex Credits (BN65.2) to view the total flex dollars and pretax dollars
available to purchase benefits, and the overall effect on federal taxable
income for the simulated elections. The amounts that display in this subform
are calculated on this program.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
BNSIMDTL - The Benefit Simulation Detail file is accessed by this program.
BNSIMHDR - The Benefit Simulation file is accessed by this program.
FLEXPLAN - The Flex Plan file is used to retrieve the flex plan
PLAN - The Benefit Plan file is used to access plans.
INVOKED Programs