CB15.1 - Bank Fund Transfer - Multiple Deposits
**Form Purpose
Use Bank Fund Transfer - Multiple Deposits (CB15.1) to transfer funds between
cash codes, which represent bank accounts. You can withdraw funds from one
bank account for deposit into one or more different bank accounts.
**More Information
Each cash code involved in the transfer must be set up for fund transfer in
CB02.1 (Bank Transfer Table). If you transfer funds between cash codes for
different companies, the intercompany relationship(s) must exist in the Lawson
General Ledger system.
To enter bank charge information associated with a fund transfer, choose the
Bank Charge button to open the Transfer Bank Charges subform.
If you do not want to use the Transfer Date to post the fund transfer to the
general ledger, choose the Post Date button to open the Transfer Post Date
If the transfer from and to cash codes have different bank account
currencies, both the Transfer To Amount and Transfer Currency Amount fields
are required. Choose the Currency button to open the Balancing Currency
Transfer Amount subform. The Transfer To Amount represents the amount to be
deposited in the bank account currency of the To Cash Code. The Transfer
Currency Amount represents the amount to be transferred in the bank account
currency of the From Cash Code. The total Transfer Currency Amount must equal
the Transfer Amount in the different currencies before you can release the
fund transfer.
Updated Files
CBBANKENT - Validates bank and update used flag.
CBBANKINST - Validates bank transaction code and updates used flag.
CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.
CBCPYCASH - Validates company-cash code relationship and updates used flag.
CBDISTRIB - Creates distribution records.
CBTRANS - Creates bank transaction records.
CBTRFDTL - Creates multiple deposit records.
CBTRFHDR - Creates single withdrawal records.
Referenced Files
CBADJUST - Referenced by bank transaction common routine.
CBBALANCE - Used to check closed bank period.
CBTRFTABLE - Validates cash code is available for fund transfer.
CBUSER - Validates user can access cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.
CUCONV - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
CURELAT - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
GLADDRESS - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
GLCHART - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
GLCODES - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
GLINTCO - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
GLNAMES - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
GLSYSTEM - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
CB15.2 - Bank Fund Transfer - Multiple Withdrawals
**Form Purpose
Use Bank Fund Transfer - Multiple Withdrawals (CB15.2) to transfer funds
between cash codes, which represent bank accounts. You can withdraw funds from
several bank accounts for deposit into one bank account.
**More Information
Each cash code involved in the transfer must be set up for fund transfer in
CB02.1 (Bank Transfer Table). If you transfer funds between cash codes for
different companies, the intercompany relationship(s) must exist in the Lawson
General Ledger system.
If you do not want to use the Transfer Date to post the fund transfer to the
general ledger, choose the Post Date button to open the Transfer Post Date
To enter bank charge information associated with a fund transfer, choose the
Bank Charge button to open the Transfer Bank Charges subform.
If the transfer from and to cash codes have different bank account
currencies, both the Transfer From Amount and Transfer Currency Amount fields
are required. Choose the Currency button to open the Balancing Currency
Transfer Amount subform. The Transfer From Amount represents the amount to be
withdrawn in the bank account currency of the From Cash Code. The Transfer
Currency Amount represents the amount to be transferred in the bank account
currency of the To Cash Code. The total Transfer Currency Amount must equal
the Transfer Amount in the different currencies before you can release the
fund transfer.
Updated Files
CBBANKENT - Validates bank and updates used flag.
CBBANKINST - Validates bank transaction code and updates used flag.
CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.
CBCPYCASH - Validates company-cash code relationship and updates used flag.
CBDISTRIB - Creates distribution records.
CBTRANS - Creates bank transaction records.
CBTRFDTL - Creates multiple withdrawal records.
CBTRFHDR - Creates single deposit records.
Referenced Files
CBADJUST - Referenced by bank transaction common routine.
CBBALANCE - Used to check closed bank period.
CBTRFTABLE - Validates cash code is available for fund transfer.
CBUSER - Validates user can access cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.
CUCONV - Referenced by general ledger common routine.
CURELAT - Referenced by general ledger common routine.
GLADDRESS - Referenced by general ledger common routine.
GLCHART - Referenced by general ledger common routine.
GLCODES - Referenced by general ledger common routine.
GLINTCO - Referenced by general ledger common routine.
GLNAMES - Referenced by general ledger common routine.
GLSYSTEM - Referenced by general ledger common routine.
INVOKED Programs