Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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CB300 - History Purge

**Form Purpose
Run History Purge (CB300) to delete historical bank transactions, bank fund
transfers, cash receipt deposits, and bank statement periods from Cash Ledger
database files and archive the records to a .csv file. You cannot inquire or
report on the information this program deletes.

Warning This program permanently deletes data. Before you run this program,
back up your data according to your organization's procedures. Before you
submit the report, carefully review the parameters.

Updated Files

    APDRAFTS   - Deletes accounts payable bill of exchange payment records.

    APDRFTDIST - Deletes accounts payable bill of exchange distribution records.

    CBADJUST   - Deletes cash ledger transaction reconciliation adjustment

    CBBALANCE  - Deletes bank account balance records.

    CBBANKENT  - Used to validate bank.

    CBBANKINST - Used to validate bank transaction code.

    CBCASHCODE - Used to validate cash code.

    CBCHECK    - Used to store restart information.

    CBDISTRIB  - Deletes cash ledger distribution records.

    CBRECPTDTL - Deletes cash receipt deposit detail records.

    CBRECPTHDR - Deletes cash receipt deposit header records.


    CBTRANS    - Deletes bank transaction records.

    CBTRFDTL   - Deletes fund transfer detail records.

    CBTRFHDR   - Deletes fund transfer header records.

    CKPOINT    - Used to store restart information.

Referenced Files

    CBCCGRP    -

    CBGRPCC    -

    CBUSER     - Validates user can access cash code.

    CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.

    WFSETUP    -