HR14.1 - Alternate Pay Rates
**Form Purpose
Use Alternate Pay Rates (HR14.1) to define unlimited alternate pay rates for
an employee. You can associate alternate pay rates with a process level,
department, position, job code or pay code, and you can indicate an effective
date range for time record entry. If the user is secured from pay rates, the
window is not available.
**Processing Effect
At time record entry the appropriate pay rate defaults for hourly employees,
or you can select any of the alternate rates defined. Alternate rates default
based on the time record date and the effective date range.
Updated Files
EMPLOYEE - Used to validate the employee.
Referenced Files
HRSECLEV - Used to validate the employee's security level for data items.
PAPOSITION - PAPOSITION is used to validate the entered positions.
PASCRTY - Used to determine the security level of the field, if the
field is required, if changes to the field are logged, and if
the field can be changed only by a personnel action, as defined
in HR10.1 (Data Item Attributes).