HR155 - Employee Group Update
**Form Purpose
Run Employee Group Update (HR155) to create employee groups meeting the
parameters defined for the selected group.
**More Information
After you define data items in HR55.1 (Employee Group Definition) and
selection criteria in HR55.3 (Employee Groups by Criteria), you must run HR155
(Employee Group Update) to initially create the group. When a change of any
kind is made to the employee group criteria, you must re-run HR155 to
recognize the change.
If you make a change to an employee through HR11.1 (Employee), or through a
personnel action, you do not have to re-run HR155. The application
automatically moves the employee into and out of the affected groups based on
the change.
Updated Files
BNCHANGE - If the group change affects benefits, the Benefit Audit file
is updated with the benefit change.
BNGRPCHG - The Benefit Group Change file is updated with group changes
that affect benefits.
CKPOINT - The Universe file used for recovery.
PERSGROUP - Used to validate employee groups and reset the update flag
when you generate the employee group.
PGEMPLOYEE - Contains a record for each employee in the employee group
according to the selection criteria defined in HR55.1 (Employee
Group Definition).
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - Used to determine if employee benefits exist.
DEPTCODE - Used to validate the department.
EMPCODES - Used to validate the subject.
EMPLOYEE - Contains employee information which is compared with the
selection criteria of the employee group to determine if the
employee can be included in the group.
EMSTATUS - Used to validate the employee's status.
HREMPUSF - Used to validate user fields.
HRSUPER - Used to validate the supervisor.
JOBCODE - Used to validate the job code.
PADICT - Used to retrieve data item information from the dictionary.
PAEMPLOYEE - Contains additional employee information which is compared
with the selection criteria of the employee group to determine
if the employee can be included in the employee group.
PAEMPPOS - Used to determine if an employee has been assigned a position
included in the selection criteria if positions are used as
PATHFIND - Used to access HR codes that have been used as selection
criteria for employee groups.
PCODES - Used to validate HR codes.
PGSELECT - Used to determine the selection criteria for an employee group.
PRSAGDTL - Used to get the pay rate for a step and grade employee.
PRSTATE - Used to validate the state code.
PRSYSTEM - Used to validate the company.
PRTAXAUTH - Used to validate the tax authority.
INVOKED Programs