HR213 - Dependent Listing
**Form Purpose
Run Dependent Listing (HR213) to print a list of employee dependent
information. You can run the report to include dependents of employees meeting
various selection criteria.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
DEPTCODE - Used to access the department name.
EMDEPEND - Contains the dependent information, and is the primary file
referenced by this program
EMPLOYEE - Used to access employee information.
EMSTATUS - Used to validate employee status.
HRSECLEV - Used to validate the employee's security level for data items.
HRSUPER - Used to retrieve the employee's supervisor.
PACOMMENTS - Used to retrieve comments regarding employee dependents.
PAEMPLOYEE - Used to access employee information.
PCODES - Used to validate various code descriptions.
PERSGROUP - Used to validate the employee group.
PGEMPLOYEE - Used to determine which employees are in an employee group.
PRSYSTEM - Used to validate the company.