MX20.1 - View
**Form Purpose
Use View (MX20.1) to define and maintain an attribute view. An attribute view
is a combination of attribute lists defined in MX10.1 (List) for an Accounting
Unit, Activity, or User Analysis object type. Views are composed of summary
and detail records, similar to a chart of accounts. Summary levels are used
for report headings and totaling. Detail records are the attribute lists.
For example, an accounting unit view is a group of accounting unit lists
arranged hierarchically with up to nine totaling levels.
Summary levels are used as report headings and for totaling and subtotaling.
A total line is created for each summary record. The depth you assign a
summary level or list determines the order of totaling. For example, each
level or list assigned a depth of 2, has its totals added to the preceding
level or list assigned a depth of 1.
**More Information
Choose the New View button to define a new view name and a description of the
view. You can copy an existing view in this subform.
Choose the Preview button to view a list of the accounts, accounting units,
activity, or assets and associated attribute values.
Choose the More button to select printing options for reports and inquiries
related to the summary level.
You can run MX220 (View Listing) to list attribute views.
Updated Files
MXVIEWDTL - This file stores the object view detail definitions maintained
by this program.
MXVIEWHDR - This file stores the last view detail sequence number used.
Referenced Files
MXLISTHDR - Used to validate the existence of an object list.
OBJID - Used to validate the existence of an object type.
SLSEGMENT - Used to validate that user analysis fields exist.
MX20.2 - Define View
**Form Purpose
Use Define View (MX20.2) to define a new view name and a description of the
**More Information
You can choose the Copy button to create a new view by copying an existing
one and making changes.
Updated Files
MXVIEWDTL - This file is updated with deleted object view detail records
when the associated object view is deleted.
MXVIEWHDR - This file stores the object view maintained by this program.
Referenced Files
OBJID - Used to validate the existence of an object type.
SLSEGMENT - Used to validate that user analysis fields exist.
MX20.4 - Rename Summary Level
**Form Purpose
Use Rename Summary Level (MX20.4) to assign a new name to the summary level.
Updated Files
MXVIEWDTL - This file is updated with a new view detail name.
Referenced Files
MX20.5 - View Copy
**Form Purpose
Use View Copy (MX20.5) to create a new view by copying an existing one and
making changes.
Updated Files
MXVIEWDTL - This file stores the copied object view detail records.
MXVIEWHDR - This file stores the copied object view record.
OBJID - This file stores the last object identification number
assigned to an object view detail record.
Referenced Files
MX20.6 - Move Summary Level
**Form Purpose
Use Move Summary Level (MX20.6) to move the summary level or to a different
location in the view.
Updated Files
MXVIEWDTL - This file is updated with a new sequence number for the object
view detail records.
MXVIEWHDR - This file is updated with the last detail sequence number for
the object view.
Referenced Files
INVOKED Programs