Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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PR212 - Direct Deposit Account Listing

**Form Purpose
Run Direct Deposit Account Listing (PR212) to print a list of automatic
deposit distributions defined for individual employees.

You can define report parameters to produce a listing for a specific process
level, department, user level, employee group, or range of employees.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    DEPTCODE   - Used to validate the department.

    EMACHDEPST - Used to retrieve employee ACH account information.

    EMPLOYEE   - Used to retrieve employee information.

    HRSECLEV   - Used to validate the employee's data item security

    PCODES     - Used to validate the user level.

    PERSGROUP  - Used to validate the employee group.

    PGEMPLOYEE - Used to retrieve employees associated with the entered
                 employee group.

    PRSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company.