PR289 - Weeks Worked Calculation
**Form Purpose
Run Weeks Worked Calculation (PR289) to print a report of the weeks worked by
employees in a quarter. This information is reported on quarterly forms and
Updated Files
CKPOINT - The Universe file used for recovery.
PRWEEKS - The primary file updated by this program.
Referenced Files
EMPLOYEE - Used to retrieve employee information.
HRSECLEV - Used to validate the employee's data item security level.
PAYMASTR - Used to retrieve payment date when work state is PA
PROVERTIME - Used to validate the pay plan is an overtime pay plan, and to
retrieve the work period end date.
PRSTATE - Used to retrieve the work state description.
PRSYSTEM - Used to validate the company and process level.
PRTIME - Used to retrieve time record information for defined
parameters and provides special edits for New Jersey and
TAXGROUP - Used to validate the head process level.