TA125 - Employee Enrollment Update
**Form Purpose
Run Employee Enrollment Update (TA125) to view employees who are eligible to
enroll in a plan, and, if you choose, to enroll employees into a plan.
**Processing Effect
TA125 enrolls employees if they are in the employee group selected for the
plan, regardless of whether they meet the length of service requirement.
However, TA170 (Time Accrual Update) does not begin accruing hours for
employees who have not met the length of service requirement.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - The Check Point file is the universe file used for recovery.
EMTAMASTR - The Employee Time Accrual Account Master file is the primary
file maintained by this program. This file contains the
employee's plan record.
Referenced Files
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file is used to validate employees.
PERSGROUP - The Employee Group Header file is used to validate employees
in the Employee Group file.
PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is used to determine whether
an employee is in an employee group.
PLANMASTER - The Time Accrual Plan file contains information about time
accrual plans.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to validate the