TR222 - Required Employee Training Listing
**Form Purpose
Run Required Employee Training Listing (TR222) to print a list of an
employee's training history.
The report shows, by employee: incomplete tracks and courses, completed
tracks and courses, start date, status, expected completion date, and end
Updated Files
Referenced Files
EMPLOYEE - The Employees file is accessed to validate and retrieve the
names of employees.
HRSECLEV - The Employee Security Level file is accessed to verify company
PACOURSE - The Courses file is accessed to retrieve course information.
PAEMPTRACK - The Required Training file is accessed to determine if courses
are required.
PATRACK - The Tracks file is accessed to retrieve track information.
PATRACKDTL - The Track Courses file is accessed to retrieve track course
PATRNHIST - The Training History file is accessed to retrieve training
history information.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the