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IA10.1 - Data Mart Manager

Welcome to Data Mart Manager

Use Data Mart Manager (IA10.1) to set up the data mart. You must set up the
data mart before you can define the dimensions in the database outline, define
the database load profile, and populate the data mart using the data mart
build programs.

This form lets you name the application and the data marts included in the
application, specify the data mart type that provides data to the database,
specify the UNIX server where the data mart resides, and specify whether the
data mart should be rebuilt if users make changes to either the data values or
the data mart outline.

** Error Prevention
Only use alphanumeric characters in your data mart name and description. Do
not use special characters. The first character cannot be a number.

** Process at a glance
1. Load the preassigned data mart types.
2. Create an OLAP destination.
3. (YOU ARE HERE) Define the data mart.
4. Define the dimensions for the data mart.
5. Define the information transfer profile.
6. Load the data mart.

** Field Descriptions
Data Mart Name: Type a data mart name. In the next field, type a description.

Data Mart Type: Select the data mart type.

OLAP Destination: Select your OLAP Destination. If none are available, press
(F6) to define a new one.

** See the following procedures
Creating data marts (Hyperion Essbase)
Creating data marts (Microsoft Analysis Services)
Creating CSV files (Hyperion Essbase)

** See also
Appendix A, Data Mart Types

Updated Files

    ALIASTABLE - The ALIASTABLE data file is updated if a database being
                 deleted is linked to an alias table.

    DATASOURCE - This program updates the DATASOURCE data file with a default
                 data source.

    DIMDATAREL - The DIMDATAREL data file is updated if an application database
                 is being deleted.

    MBROPTIONS - The MBROPTIONS data file is updated if a database being
                 deleted contains member UDAs and alias names.

    MEMBER     - The MEMBER data file is updated if a database being deleted
                 contains UDAs and alias names.

    OLAPDBM    - The OLAPDBM data file is the primary data file updated by this

    OLAPDIM    - The OLAPDIM data file is updated if the dimension settings are
                 changed or deleted.

    OLAPPROF   - This OLAPPROF data file is updated if the information transfer
                 profile information is deleted.

    OLAPUDA    - This OLAPUDA data file is updated if a database being deleted
                 contains UDAs.

    PROFDATREL - The PROFDATREL data file is updated if the database being
                 deleted contains data sources used by the information transfer

    ROLAPDBS   -

Referenced Files

    APPLICTYPE - This program references the APPLICTYPE data file for valid
                 application types.

    ARBORREL   -



IA10.2 - Data Mart Delete

Welcome to Data Mart Delete

Use Data Mart Delete (IA10.2) to delete a data mart definition or initialize
the data mart. If you use this subform to delete a data mart definition, it
will be deleted from the Analytic Architect application only. If you use this
subform to initialize the data mart, the Information Architecture application
completely reloads the data values during the next data mart load.

** Process at a glance
1. Delete members
2. (YOU ARE HERE) Inactivate and delete data mart

** Field Descriptions
Select one of the following in the Delete Type field.
D (Delete Database Definition) - This completely removes the data mart from
the Analytic Architect application.

C (Initialize Database) - This clears all values in all of the settings for
the data mart but the data mart name remains in the Analytic Architect

** See the following procedures
Deleting data marts (Hyperion Essbase)
Deleting data marts (Microsoft Analysis Services)

Updated Files

    ALIASTABLE - The ALIASTABLE data file is updated if a database being
                 deleted is linked to an alias table.

    DATASOURCE - This program updates the DATASOURCE data file with a default
                 data source.

    DIMDATAREL - The DIMDATAREL data file is updated if an application database
                 is being deleted.


    MBROPTIONS - The MBROPTIONS data file is updated if a database being
                 deleted contains member UDAs and alias names.

    MEMBER     - The MEMBER data file is updated if a database being deleted
                 contains UDAs and alias names.

    OLAPDBM    - The OLAPDBM data file is the primary data file updated by this

    OLAPDIM    - The OLAPDIM data file is updated if the dimension settings are
                 changed or deleted.

    OLAPPROF   - This OLAPPROF data file is updated if the information transfer
                 profile information is deleted.

    OLAPUDA    - This OLAPUDA data file is updated if a database being deleted
                 contains UDAs.

    PROFDATREL - The PROFDATREL data file is updated if the database being
                 deleted contains data sources used by the information transfer

Referenced Files

    APPLICTYPE - This program references the APPLICTYPE data file for valid
                 application types.

INVOKED Programs
