IC812 - Item Location Load
**Form Purpose
Run Item Location Load (IC812) to import item locations and, optionally,
inventory receipts data from another inventory application into the Inventory
Control database.
IC812 receives Lawson format input files. IC812 outputs an edit report and,
optionally, updates the Inventory Control database.
**Processing Effect
After you run IC812, the following is true:
- If the Audit Item Master Flag in IC00.1 (Corporate Item Group) is set to
Yes, IC812 updates the Item/Item Location Audit file.
- If you use the LIFO or FIFO costing method, IC812 creates item receipt
records from the receipts input file. If that file does not exit, IC812
creates one receipt record for each item using information in the Item
Location input file.
- If you use the average or standard costing method, the application creates
one receipt record for each item when you load item stock-on-hand quantities
in IC820 (Beginning Balance Load).
Updated Files
CKPOINT - This file is used in the event of a program or system failure
to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left
ICAUDIT - When the audit options are selected, the file is updated
whenever a change is made to either the Item Master or the Item
Location Master file.
ICCATEGORY - The GL Account Category file is a master file that defines the
inventory and offset general ledger accounts used to post
inventory transactions.
ICMANFCODE - This is a user defined list of codes used to identify
manufacturers of items.
ICRECEIPTS - The cost history file which is used for LIFO and FIFO costing.
ITEMLOC - The Item Location file contains the dynamic information for an
inventoried item at a stock location.
TXCODEMAST - The Tax Code Master file contains tax codes, descriptions, and
the tax types that define how the tax code is to be used.
TXCOMPANY - The Tax Company file contains company information, as well as
which tax system the company uses.
TXTAXCODE - The Tax Code file contains all tax code information used to
calculate tax transactions.
TXTAXTABLE - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.
Referenced Files
APACCRCODE - An invoice accrual code is used to link a general ledger
invoice accrual account to an invoice.
APCOMPANY - Used to get the vendor group for vendor number validation.
APVENGROUP - A vendor group represents a group of vendors that can be
shared by one or more accounts payable companies.
BINSTORAGE - The Bin Storage Code file contains information about the
physical storage capacities of a certain type of bin.
CUCONV - This file maintains rate tables for each defined currency
GLSYSTEM - This file contains company information used primarily by the
General Ledger system, but is also referenced by Lawson
ICBIN - The Bin Numbers file is a master list of valid bin numbers in
a location used for tracking items by bin.
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the company number.
ICLOCATION - Used to validate the inventory location.
ITEMMAST - The Item Master file stores static information about each item
such as description, classes, units of measure, and weight.
TXTAXRATE - The Tax Rate file stores tax rates in effect for a specific
tax code.
INVOKED Programs