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JB00.1 - Journal Book

Use JB00.1 (Journal Book) to define optional journal books for a company. A
journal book is a user-defined entity that can be used to group like
transactions together. You can assign a journal book to a journal entry,
recurring journal entry, allocation, system code, or group of Accounts
Payable, Accounts Receivable, or Cash Ledger transactions. You can restrict
journal book usage to specific system codes, operators, accounts, or
accounting units.

If you assign a journal book to a system code, transactions that interface
from the subsystem will have the journal book assigned. You can then use
GL45.1 (Journal Control) to filter journal entries by journal book, and then
Drill Around on the subsystem transactions.

You can use journal books to identify journal entry operators. You can then
use GL45.1 (Journal Control) to filter journal entries by journal book, and
then review and release journal entries.

The journal book options defined for a company in the Journals form tab in
GL10.1 (Company) determine whether a journal book is required on journal

Updated Files

    JBKACCT    - Used to delete detail accounts associated with a deleted
                 journal book.

    JBKOPCODE  - Used to delete associated operator codes when a journal book
                 is deleted.

    JBKSEQNBR  - This file is updated with the last journal book transaction
                 posting sequence number.

    JBKSYSCODE - This file is updated with deleted system codes associated with
                 a deleted journal book.

    JBOOKHDR   - This file is updated with journal books maintained by this

Referenced Files

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the existence of a company.

    MXLISTHDR  - Used to validate the existence of an accounting unit list.

JB00.2 - Journal Book Systems

Use JB00.2 (Journal Book Systems) to define the source codes you can use the
journal book in.

You can only use the journal book in the systems you select in this program.

Updated Files

    JBKSYSCODE - This file is updated with journal book/system code
                 relationship definitions maintained by this program.

Referenced Files

    GLCODES    - Used to validate the existence of system codes.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the existence of a company.

    JBOOKHDR   - Used to validate the existence of a journal book.

JB00.3 - Journal Book Operators

Use JB00.3 (Journal Book Operators) to define the operators that will have
access to the journal book.

Updated Files

    JBKOPCODE  - This file is updated with journal book/operator relationships
                 maintained by this program.

Referenced Files

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the existence of a company.

    JBOOKHDR   - Used to validate the existence of a journal book.

JB00.4 - Journal Book Accounts

Use JB00.4 (Journal Book Accounts) to restrict a Journal Book's use to
specific account ranges. Only account numbers defined on this form can be
assigned to the Journal Book.

Updated Files

    JBKACCT    - This file is updated with journal book/detail account
                 relationships maintained by this program.

Referenced Files

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the existence of a company.

    JBOOKHDR   - Used to validate the existence of a journal book.