OE270 - Fill Rate Analysis
**Form Purpose
Run Fill Rate Analysis (OE270) to print a report that analyzes item stock
levels. The fill rate is the number of orders filled on the first shipment.
The report can be printed in customer/item or item/customer sequence.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
AGINGCODE - Used in the Customer Edit routine.
ARCOMP - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable company.
ARCUSTFLDS - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
ARCUSTGRP - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
ARCUSTOMER - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable customer.
ARCUSTTOTS - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
ARLOCKBOX - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
ARPAYMENT - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
COLINE - Used to store customer order line information.
CUSTDESC - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
CUSTORDER - Used to validate the customer order number.
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the Inventory Control company.
ICLOCATION - Used to validate the Inventory Control location.
ITEMMAST - Used to validate the Inventory Control item.
NATACCT - Used in the Customer Edit routine.
NATBALANCE - Used in the Customer Edit routine.
OECOMPANY - Used to validate the Billing company.
OECUST - Used in the Customer Edit routine.
STATICCUST - Used in the Customer Edit routine.
WHSHIPLINE - Used to store shipment line information including feedback