OE54.1 - Standard Order
**Form Purpose
Use Standard Order (OE54.1) to create and update standard orders. Orders that
are entered frequently can be made into standard orders to avoid repetition.
You can then create customer orders quickly by copying the standard order.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Not used.
OESTDLINE - This file is maintained by this program. It contains standard
order line information.
OESTDORDER - This file is maintained by this program. It contains standard
order header information.
Referenced Files
AGINGCODE - Used in the Customer Edit routine.
ARCOMP - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable company.
ARCUSTFLDS - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
ARCUSTGRP - Used in the AR Company Edit routine.
ARCUSTOMER - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable customer.
ARCUSTTOTS - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
ARLOCKBOX - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
ARPAYMENT - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
CUSTDESC - Used to display Accounts Receivable customer information.
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the Inventory Control company.
ITEMMAST - Used to validate the Inventory Control item.
NATACCT - Used in the Customer Edit routine.
NATBALANCE - Used in the Customer Edit routine.
OECOMPANY - Used to validate the Billing company.
OECUST - Used in the Customer Edit routine.
OESTDCOMM - Used to validate the standard comment code.
STATICCUST - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
INVOKED Programs