SA252 - Gross Profit By Customer
**Form Purpose
Run Gross Profit By Customer (SA252) to print a report of gross profit data
for all orders by customer within the date range selected.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Used to store data used in restart logic.
Referenced Files
AGINGCODE - Used in the Customer Number Edit routine.
ARCOMP - Used in editing an Accounts Receivable company.
ARCUSTFLDS - Used in the Customer Number Edit routine.
ARCUSTGRP - Used in the Customer Number Edit routine.
ARCUSTOMER - Used in the Customer Number Edit routine.
ARCUSTTOTS - Used in the Customer Number Edit routine.
ARLOCKBOX - Used in the Customer Number Edit routine.
ARPAYMENT - Used in the Customer Number Edit routine.
CUSTDESC - Used in the Customer Number Edit routine.
ICCOMPANY - Used in editing an Inventory Control company.
ITEMMAST - Used in editing Inventory Control item numbers.
NATACCT - Used in the Customer Number Edit routine.
NATBALANCE - Used in the Customer Number Edit routine.
OECOMPANY - Used in editing a Billing company.
OECUST - Used in the Customer Number Edit routine.
OECUSTCODE - Used in editing Billing customer codes.
SACOMPANY - Used in editing a Sales Analysis company.
SAINVCCOMP - Used to store actual invoiced information for kit components.
SAINVCLINE - Used to store actual invoice information.
SAINVOICE - Used to store actual invoice information.
STATICCUST - Used in the Customer Number Edit routine.