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                              ARICST FILE

                         AR Interface Customer

The AR Interface Customer file is used to interface customer records from an
external system. Records in this file will be processed by AR550 (Customer


AR550     AR96.1


CUS-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 AR96.1
Element: Company       Required. Company number.

CUS-CUSTOMER           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                AR96.1
Element: Customer      Required. Customer number.

CUS-ACTION-CD          Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Action Code   Action code to determine whether to
                       perform a change or add function. Valid
                       values are:

                       A = Add a customer
                       C = Change a customer

CUS-SEARCH-NAME        Alpha 30                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Seach Name    Name used for customer searches.
                       Customer searches are conducted by
                       search name and display name.

CUS-NAME               Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: Name          Customer name. This name will appear on
                       screens and reports.

CUS-ADDR1              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: Address 1     The first line of address information.

CUS-ADDR1-CHG          Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Address 1 ChanAddress line 1 change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-ADDR2              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: Address 2     The second line of address information.

CUS-ADDR2-CHG          Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Address 2 ChanAddress line 2 change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-ADDR3              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: Address 3     Third line of address information.

CUS-ADDR3-CHG          Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Address 3 ChanAddress line 3 change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-ADDR4              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: Address 4     Fourth line of address information.

CUS-ADDR4-CHG          Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Address 4 ChanAddress line 4 change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CITY               Alpha 18  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: City          City/province name.

CUS-CITY-CHG           Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: City Change   City/province change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-STATE              Alpha 2                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: State         This field contains the two-character
                       code of the state or province.

CUS-STATE-CHG          Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: State Change  State abbreviation change indicator.
                       Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-ZIP                Alpha 10                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Postal Code   Postal code.

CUS-ZIP-CHG            Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Postal Code ChPostal code change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-COUNTY             Alpha 25  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: County        This field contains the county of the
                       address, or it can be used for
                       additional information such as an
                       attention name.

CUS-COUNTY-CHG         Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: County Change County change indicator. Valid values

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CONTACT-GROUP      Alpha 20                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Contact       Contact name for customer.

CUS-CONT-GROUP-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Contact ChangeContact name change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-TITLE              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: Contact Title Contact name title.

CUS-TITLE-CHG          Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Contact Title Contact name title change indicator.
                       Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-INT-PREFIX         Alpha 6                                   AR550   AR96.1
International          International telephone prefix.
Telephone Prefix

CUS-INT-PREFIX-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Intl Telephone         International telephone prefix change
Prefix Change          indicator. Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-PHONE-NMBR         Alpha 15                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Telephone NumbTelephone number. Note: Use consistent
                       format since customer searches can be
                       done via telephone number.

CUS-PHONE-NMBR-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Telephone Number       Telephone number change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-PHONE-EXT          Alpha 5                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Telephone ExteTelephone extension number.

CUS-PHONE-EXT-CHG      Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Telephone Extension    Telephone extension change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-DUNN-CD            Alpha 3                                   AR550   AR96.1
Dun and Bradstreet     Dun code, used to represent the Dun and
Code                   Bradstreet customer rating code.

CUS-DUNN-CD-CHG        Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Dun and Bradstreet     Dun code change indicator. Valid values
Code Change            are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-DUNN-DATE          Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AR550   AR96.1
Element: DB Rating CodeDun and Bradstreet rating code date.

CUS-DUNN-DATE-CHG      Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
DB rating Code Date    Dun date change indicator. Valid values
Change                 are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-DUNN-NUMBER        Numeric 9                                 AR550   AR96.1
Dun and Bradstreet     Dun and Bradstreet customer number.

CUS-DUNN-NBR-CHG       Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: DB Customer ChDun number change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-HOLD-CODE-GRP      Alpha 4                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Hold Code     Hold code. Must be a valid hold code.

CUS-HC-GRP-CHG         Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Hold Code ChanHold code change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-ORDER-LIM-GRP      Signed 15.0                               AR550   AR96.1
Element: Order Limit   Order limit amount.

CUS-OL-GRP-CHG         Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Order Limit ChOrder limit amount change indicator.
                       Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CREDIT-LIM-GRP     Signed 15.0                               AR550   AR96.1
Element: Credit Limit  Credit limit amount.

CUS-CL-GRP-CHG         Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Credit Limit CCredit limit amount change indicator.
                       Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-OVR-ADDR-FL        Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Address OverriAddress override flag. Used for Order
                       Entry processing

CUS-TAX-ID             Alpha 20                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Tax ID        Customer tax identification number.

CUS-TAX-ID-CHG         Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Tax ID Change Customer tax identification number
                       change indicator. Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-ACTIVE-STATUS      Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Active Status The status of a customer record. Valid
                       values are:

                       A = Active - Default
                       I = Inactive - Prevents invoicing
                       D = Set for deletion

CUS-SEARCH-NAME2       Alpha 30                                  AR550
Element: Search Name 2 Company customer search name.

CUS-HOLD-CODE          Alpha 4                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Hold Code     Hold code. Must be a valid hold code.

CUS-HOLD-CODE-CHG      Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Hold Code ChanHold code change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CONTACT            Alpha 20                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Primary ContacThis is the name of the main contact.

CUS-CONTACT-CHG        Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Primary Contact        Customer contact change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-INT-PREFIX2        Alpha 6                                   AR550   AR96.1
Intl Telephone         Company customer international
Prefix 2               telephone number.

CUS-INT-PRFIX2-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Intl Telephone         Company customer international
Prefix 2               telephone prefix change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-PHONE-NMBR2        Alpha 15                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Telephone NumbCompany customer telephone number.

CUS-PHN-NMBR2-CHG      Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Telephone Number 2     Company customer telephone number
Change                 change indicator. Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-PHONE-EXT2         Alpha 5                                   AR550   AR96.1
Telephone Extension    Company customer telephone number
2                      extension.

CUS-PHONE-EXT2-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Telephone Extension    Company customer telephone extension
2 Change               number change indicator. Valid values

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-TELEX-NBR          Alpha 15                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Telex Number  Telex number.

CUS-TELEX-NBR-CHG      Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Telex Number CTelex number change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-EDI-NBR            Alpha 15                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: EDI Number    EDI number.

CUS-FAX-NMBR           Alpha 15                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Fax Number    Fax number

CUS-FAX-NMBR-CHG       Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Fax Number ChaFax number change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-FAX-EXT            Alpha 5                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Fax Number ExtFax number extension.

CUS-FAX-EXT-CHG        Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Fax Number             Fax number extension change indicator.
Extension Change       Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-START-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AR550   AR96.1
Element: Start Date    Start or origination date of customer.

CUS-CREDIT-ANLYST      Alpha 4                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Credit AnalystCredit analyst code. Must be a valid
                       credit analyst.

CUS-CURRENCY-CD        Alpha 5                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Currency Code Default invoice currency code.

CUS-SALESMAN           Numeric 4                                 AR550   AR96.1
Element: SalesRep      Sales representative. Must be a valid

CUS-RISK-CD            Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Risk Code     Risk code.

CUS-RISK-CD-CHG        Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Risk Code ChanRisk code change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-DEFAULT-CODE       Alpha 5                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Default Code  Default code. Must be a valid default

CUS-NAT-COMPANY        Numeric 4                                 AR96.1
Element: National CompaNational account company.

CUS-NAT-CUSTOMER       Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                AR96.1
Element: National CustoNational account customer

CUS-CUST-USER1         Alpha 10                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Customer User Customer user1 field.

CUS-CUST-USER1-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Customer User 1        Customer user1 field change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CUST-USER2         Alpha 18                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Customer User Customer user2 field.

CUS-CUST-USER2-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Customer User 2        Customer user2 field change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CUST-USER3         Signed 18.2                               AR550   AR96.1
Element: Customer User Customer user3 field

CUS-CUST-USER3-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Customer User 3        Customer user3 field change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CUST-USER4         Signed 18.2                               AR550   AR96.1
Element: Customer User Customer user4 field

CUS-CUST-USER4-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Customer User 4        Customer user4 field change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CUST-USER5         Numeric 9                                 AR550   AR96.1
Element: Customer User Customer user5 field

CUS-CUST-USER5-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Customer User 5        Customer user5 field change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CUST-USER6         Alpha 30                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Customer User Customer user6 field

CUS-CUST-USER6-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Customer User 6        Customer user6 field change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CUST-USER7         Alpha 30                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Customer User Customer user7 field

CUS-CUST-USER7-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Customer User 7        Customer user7 field change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CUST-USER8         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AR550   AR96.1
Element: Customer User Customer user8 field

CUS-CUST-USER8-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Customer User 8        Customer user8 field change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CUST-USER9         Numeric 3                                 AR550   AR96.1
Element: Customer User Customer user9 field

CUS-CUST-USER9-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Customer User 9        Customer user9 field change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CUST-USER10        Alpha 3                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Customer User Customer user10 field

CUS-CUST-USR10-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Customer User 10       Customer user10 field change indicator.
Change                 Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-MAJ-CLASS          Alpha 4                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Major Class   Major class code. Must be a valid major

CUS-MIN-CLASS          Alpha 4                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Minor Class   Minor class code. Must be a valid minor

CUS-ORDER-LIM          Signed 15.0                               AR550   AR96.1
Element: Order Limit   Company customer order limit amount.

CUS-ORDER-LIM-CHG      Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Order Limit ChCompany customer order limit amount
                       change indicator. Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CREDIT-LIM         Signed 15.0                               AR550   AR96.1
Element: Credit Limit  The credit limit amount for this

CUS-CREDIT-LIM-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Credit Limit CCompany customer credit limit amount
                       change indicator. Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CREDIT-LIM-DAT     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AR550   AR96.1
Element: Credit Limit DCredit limit date.

CUS-CREDIT-REVDAYS     Signed 3.0                                AR550   AR96.1
Credit Limit Review    Credit limit review days.

CUS-AGE-DISPUTES       Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Age Disputes  Age disputes indicator. Valid values

                       N = Disputes in current column
                       Y = Age disputed items

CUS-DISPUTES-FIN       Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Disputes FinanDisputed items subject to finance
                       charges indicator. Valid values are:

                       N = Not subject to finance charges
                       Y = Subject to finance charges

CUS-AUTO-APP-FL        Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Auto ApplicatiAutomatic cash application indicator.
                       Valid values are:

                       N = Not subject to auto cash
                       application Y = Subject to auto cash

CUS-AUTO-DUNN-FL       Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Auto Dunning  Automatic dunning notice indicator.
                       Valid values are:

                       N = Not subject to auto dunning
                       Y = Subject to auto dunning

CUS-DISC-GRACE-PD      Numeric 2                                 AR550   AR96.1
Discount Grace         Discount grace days. This value will be
Period                 added to an invoice's discount date for
                       comparison to payment date.

CUS-CR-VAR-PCT         Numeric 3                                 AR550   AR96.1
Element: Credit OverridOverride percent that will be used in
                       customer credit limit selections.

CUS-MEMO-TERM          Alpha 5                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Memo Terms CodMemo terms code. Must be a valid terms
                       code in the Lawson Terms system.

CUS-CHRGBK-PRT-FL      Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Print ChargebaChargeback printing indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       N = Do not print chargeback documents
                       Y = Print chargeback documents

CUS-OPEN-BAL-FWD       Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Open Item/Balance      Processing of receivable records by
Forward                either open item or balance forward
                       methods. Valid values are:

                       B = Balance forward processing
                       O = Open item processing

CUS-DISC-REAS-CD       Alpha 4                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Discount ReasoDiscount reason code for use in
                       automatic and manual cash application.
                       Must be a valid adjustment reason code.

CUS-STATEMENT-REQ      Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Statement RequStatement required option. Valid values

                       N = Do not create statements
                       Y = Create statements

CUS-STMNT-CYCLE        Alpha 2                                   AR550
Element: Statement CyclAllows grouping of customers for
                       producing statements that have a like
                       statement cycle code. Must be a valid
                       statement cycle code.
                       This field value will be assigned when
                       adding balance forward customers if
                       statement required flag = Y. This field
                       is required for open item type customers
                       if statement required flag = Y.

CUS-LOCK-BOX           Alpha 2                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Lock Box      This is the remit-to location if a lock
                       box is being used for payment receipts.
                       Must be a valid lock box code.

CUS-LOCK-BOX-CHG       Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Lox Box ChangeLock box change indicator. Valid values

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-ZERO-STMNT-FL      Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Zero StatementZero balance statement option. Valid
                       values are:

                       N = Do not create zero statements
                       Y = Create zero balance statements

CUS-CRED-STMNT-FL      Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Credit StatemeCredit balance statement option. Valid
                       values are:

                       N = Do not create credit bal statement
                       Y = Create credit balance statement

CUS-PAST-STMNT-FL      Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Past Due StatePast due open items only statement
                       option. Valid values are:

                       N = No past due only statements
                       Y = Create only past due statements

CUS-OVER-STMNT-FL      Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Over Credit LiOver credit limit statement option.
                       Valid values are:

                       N = No credit limit balance checking
                       Y = Statement only if balance is
                       greater than credit limit

CUS-MAX-AUTO-AMT       Signed 18.2 Occurs 3 Times                AR550   AR96.1
Maximum Automatic      The maximum amount a payment may be
Amount                 short of a single invoice during cash
                       application, and the system will
                       automatically write-off the difference
                       to the default reason code associated
                       with this amount. Must be ascending

CUS-MAX-AUTO-PCT       Signed 5.5 Occurs 3 Times                 AR550   AR96.1
Maximum Automatic      The maximum percentage allowed shortage
Percent                for a single invoice that will
                       automatically be adjusted during cash
                       application. Percentages must be in
                       ascending order.

CUS-AUTO-REAS-CD       Alpha 4 Occurs 3 Times                    AR550   AR96.1
Automatic Reason       This reason code is required if there
Code                   is a short amount or percent allowed for
                       automatic adjustments.

CUS-AUTO-CHG           Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Automatic ChanAutomatic adjustment reason code change
                       indicator. Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-TERMS-CD           Alpha 5                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Terms Code    Default terms code. Must be a valid
                       terms code.

CUS-LATE-PAY-FL        Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Late Payment  Late Payment flag. Indicates if late
                       payment charges will be calculated.
                       Valid values are:

                       Blank = No charges
                       B = Both finance and late payment
                       F = Finance charges assessed
                       L = Late payment charges assessed

CUS-FIN-CALC-TYPE      Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Finance ChargeFinance charge type indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       D = Detail (per invoice) calculation
                       N = Net balance calculation

CUS-FIN-CHRG-CD        Alpha 2                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Finance ChargeFinance charge code. Must be a valid
                       finance charge code.

CUS-FIN-GRAC-DAYS      Numeric 2                                 AR550   AR96.1
Finance Charge         The number of grace days to be added to
Grace Period           due date before finance charges will be

CUS-FIN-GRC-DY-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Fin. Charge Grace      Finance grace days change indicator.
Per. Change            Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-FIN-MIN-CHRG       Signed 7.2                                AR550   AR96.1
Minimum Finance        The minimum finance charge amount
Charge                 assessed if calculated finance charge is
                       less than minimum. If the minimum amount
                       is zero, there will be no override.

CUS-FIN-MIN-CG-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Minimum Finance        Finance minimum charge amount change
Charge Code            indicator. Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this amount

CUS-I-FIN-MIN-CHRG     Signed 7.2                                AR550   AR96.1
Element: I Fin Min ChrgMinimum finance charge amount for an

CUS-I-FIN-MIN-CHG      Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: I Fin Min Chg

CUS-FIN-DOC-PRNT       Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Print Finance          Finance charge print document
Charge Documents       indicator. Valid values are:

                       N = No finance charge documents printed
                       Y = Print finance charge document

CUS-TERRITORY          Alpha 4                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Sales TerritorTerritory code. Must be a valid
                       territory code.

CUS-AGING-CODE         Numeric 2                                 AR550   AR96.1
Element: Aging Code    Aging code used in a single customer

CUS-AGING-CODE-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Aging Code ChaAging code change indicator. Valid
                       values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-BANK-INST-CODE     Alpha 3                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Payment Code  This is a user-defined value
                       representing a specific banking
                       transaction. There are three categories
                       of bank transactions: cash payments,
                       bill of exchange payments, and
                       miscellaneous non-payment bank

CUS-AR-CODE            Alpha 4                                   AR550   AR96.1
Account Receivable     The default accounts receivable code
Code                   for transaction processing.

CUS-DRAFT-FLAG         Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Bill of Exchange       If the customer has a default payment
Flag                   code type of D (Bill of Exchange), this
                       flag will indicate if the bills of
                       exchange should be created in summary or
                       individually (1 BOE for 1 Invoice).
                       Valid values are:

                       Blank = Not paying by BOE, Default
                       I = Individual
                       S = Summary

CUS-MINIMUM            Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Minimum Finance        Used to determine if minimum finance
Charge                 charges are to be used.  Valid values

                       Y = Use minimum amount if calculated
                       amount is less than minimum amount.
                       N = No charge if calculated amount is
                       less than minimum amount.  If minimum
                       amount is blank, then calculated amount
                       is charged.
                       Blank = Finance amount on detail

CUS-MINIMUM-CHG        Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Minimum Finance        Minimum  finance charge change
Charge Type            indicator. Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-FIN-CYCLE          Alpha 2                                   AR550   AR96.1
Finance Charge         Finance charge cycle code.
Cycle Code

CUS-DUN-CYCLE          Alpha 2                                   AR96.1
Element: Dunning Cycle Dunning cycle code.

CUS-AUTO-METHOD        Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Auto Cash              Automatic cash application method.
Application Method

CUS-ALT-EDI-NBR        Alpha 95                                  AR96.1
Element: Alternate EDI This is a free-form field to
                       accommodate an alternate EDI number or

CUS-ALT-EDI-TYPE       Alpha 5
Element: Alternate EDI The type of alternate EDI number
                       entered for the customer.

CUS-TAX-EXEMPT-CD      Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Tax Exempt CodDetermines whether a customer is tax
                       exempt or not. Valid values are:

                       T = Taxable
                       E = Exempt

CUS-TAX-CODE           Alpha 10                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Tax Code      User-defined code which identifies the
                       default taxing authority this customer
                       pays taxes to. Must be a valid tax code
                       in the Lawson Tax or 3rd party tax
                       system.  Optionally required.  If Tax
                       Exempt Code value = "T" and using a 3rd
                       party tax system, tax code is optional.
                       If Tax Exempt Code value = "T" and using
                       the Lawson Tax system, tax code is

CUS-AUTO-REMOVE        Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Auto Remove   N = No
                       Y = Yes

CUS-CB-DTL-DATE        Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Cb Dtl Date   This field will determine which dates
                       are to be used in calculating
                       transaction and due dates for detail
                       I = Invoice
                       P = Payment

CUS-VAT-REG-CTRY       Alpha 2                                   AR96.1
Element: Vat Reg Ctry  The country component of the VAT
                       Registration Number. This field,
                       together with the Registration Number
                       for the company on the tax transaction.

CUS-VAT-R-CTRY-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Vat R Ctry ChgThe VAT Registration Country change
                       indicator. Valid values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this code

CUS-VAT-REG-NBR        Alpha 12                                  AR96.1
Element: Vat Reg Nbr   The number component of the VAT
                       Registration Number. This field together
                       with the Registration Country field make
                       up the VAT Registration Number.

CUS-VAT-R-NBR-CHG      Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Vat R Nbr Chg The VAT Registration Number change
                       indicator.  Values are:

                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this number

CUS-VAT-CUST-TYPE      Alpha 2                                   AR96.1
Element: Vat Cust Type The VAT customer type.

CUS-BANK-ENTITY        Alpha 15                                  AR96.1
Element: Bank          Represents a bank institution location.

CUS-BANK-ACCT-NBR      Alpha 35                                  AR96.1
Element: Bank Account NThe bank-assigned account number
                       identification to be used for the cash

CUS-COUNTRY-CODE       Alpha 2                                   AR96.1
Element: Country Code  The country code.  Required for VAT and
                       intrastat reporting.  Must be defined in
                        IN01.1 (Country Maintenance).

CUS-COUNTRY-CD-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Country Cd ChgThe country coe change indicator.
                       Values are:
                       0 = No
                       1 = Change this code

CUS-REGION             Alpha 2                                   AR96.1
Element: Region Code   The region code, if applicable for the
                       country. Used by Intrastat. Must be
                       defined in IN02.1 (Region Maintenance)

CUS-REGION-CHG         Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Region Chg    The region code changed indicator. Valid
                       values are:
                       0 = No change
                       1 = Change this code

CUS-DUN-LTR-IND        Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Dun Ltr Ind   Specifies whether the advanced dunning
                       letter process is to be used.

CUS-DUN-LTR-IND-CH     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Dun Ltr Ind Ch0 = No Change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-DUN-PROCESS-CD     Alpha 6                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Dun Process CdDunning letter process code.  A unique
                       code that represents a combination of
                       Dunning Letter options.

CUS-DUN-PROC-CD-CH     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Dun Proc Cd Ch0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-LANGUAGE-CODE      Alpha 10                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Language Code Language Code (LOCALE).

CUS-LANG-CODE-CHG      Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Lang Code Chg 0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-ASSESS-DUN-FEE     Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Assess Dun FeeSpecifies whether to assess a dunning
                       letter fee.

CUS-DUN-FEE-CHG        Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Dun Fee Chg   0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CU-NAME            Alpha 30                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Cu Name       Credit Union Name.

CUS-CU-NAME-CHG        Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Cu Name Chg   0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CU-ADDR1           Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: Cu Addr1      Credit Union Address Line 1.

CUS-CU-ADDR1-CHG       Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Cu Addr1 Chg  0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CU-ADDR2           Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: Cu Addr2      Credit Union Address Line 2.

CUS-CU-ADDR2-CHG       Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Cu Addr2 Chg  0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CU-ADDR3           Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: Cu Addr3      Credit union address line 3.

CUS-CU-ADDR3-CHG       Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Cu Addr3 Chg  0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CU-ADDR4           Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: Cu Addr4      Credit union address line 4.

CUS-CU-ADDR4-CHG       Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Cu Addr4 Chg  0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CU-CITY            Alpha 18  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: Cu City       Credit Union City.

CUS-CU-CITY-CHG        Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Cu City Chg   0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CU-STATE           Alpha 2                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Cu State      Credit Union State.

CUS-CU-STATE-CHG       Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Cu State Chg

CUS-CU-POSTAL-CODE     Alpha 12                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Cu Postal CodeCredit Union Postal Code.

CUS-CU-POST-CD-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Cu Post Cd Chg0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-CU-COUNTRY-CD      Alpha 2                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Cu Country Cd Credit Union Country Code.

CUS-CU-CTRY-CD-CHG     Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Cu Ctry Cd Chg0 = No change
                       1 = Change this field

CUS-THIRD-PARTY        Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Third Party   N = No third party payment
                       Y = Third party payment allowed

CUS-USR-FLD-01         Alpha 20                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Usr Fld 01

CUS-UF01-CHG           Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Uf01 Chg

CUS-USR-FLD-02         Alpha 20                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Usr Fld 02

CUS-UF02-CHG           Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Uf02 Chg

CUS-USR-FLD-03         Alpha 20                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Usr Fld 03

CUS-UF03-CHG           Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Uf03 Chg

CUS-USR-FLD-04         Alpha 20                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Usr Fld 04

CUS-UF04-CHG           Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Uf04 Chg

CUS-USR-FLD-05         Alpha 20                                  AR550   AR96.1
Element: Usr Fld 05

CUS-UF05-CHG           Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Uf05 Chg

CUS-E-MAIL-ADDRESS     Alpha 60  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: Email Address

CUS-E-MAIL-CHG         Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: E Mail Chg

CUS-URL-ADDR           Alpha 60  (Lower Case)                    AR550   AR96.1
Element: Url Addr

CUS-URL-ADDR-CHG       Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Url Addr Chg

CUS-CUST-AUDIT         Alpha 1                                   AR550   AR96.1
Element: Cust Audit

CUS-APPLY-MIXED        Alpha 1
Element: Apply Mixed

CUS-EFT-BNK-ENTITY     Alpha 15                                  AR96.1
Element: Bank          Represents a bank institution location.

CUS-EFT-BNK-ACCT       Alpha 35                                  AR96.1
Element: Bank Account NThe bank-assigned account number

CUS-EFT-RIBKEY         Numeric 2                                 AR96.1
Element: Ribkey

CUS-EFT-VBNK-IDENT     Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Alphadata1

CUS-BNK-START-DATE     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AR96.1
Element: Start Date    The start date for EFT selection for the
                       associated bank account.

CUS-BNK-END-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AR96.1
Element: Ending Date   The end date for EFT selection for the
                       associated bank acount.

CUS-BNK-PRENOTE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AR96.1
Element: Prenote       This is the date the prenotification was
                       sent to the customer for EFT processing.

CUS-FT-TYPE            Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Ft Type

CUS-BNK-PRE-NOTE       Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Pre Note      Indicates if sending a prenote for this
                       bank account is required.

CUS-BNK-PRNT-STAT      Numeric 1                                 AR96.1
Element: Prenote StatusStatus of the prenote for this bank
                       account.  Valid values are:

                       0 = Not Prenoted (default)
                       1 = Printed
                       9 = EFT record sent

CUS-CUST-ACCT-TYPE     Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Cust Acct TypeThe type of account the customer has:
                       C = Check
                       S = Savings

CUS-RIBKEY             Numeric 2                                 AR96.1
Element: Ribkey

CUS-CUST-PRE-NOTE      Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Cust Pre Note Indicates if customers are prenotified
                       of EFt transactions.  Valid values are:

                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

CUS-CUST-NOTE-METH     Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Cust Note MethIndicates the method used to deliver pre
                       or final EFT notification to a customer.

                       A = Alternate EDI
                       E = EDI
                       F = Fax

CUS-ADJ-NOTE-METH      Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Adj Note Meth The method used to deliver the EFT
                       adjustment notification to the customer.
                       Valid values are:

                       A = Alterante EDI
                       E = EDI
                       F = Fax

CUS-USER1-FIELD        Alpha 5                                   AR96.1
Element: User1 Field

CUS-USER2-FIELD        Alpha 10                                  AR96.1
Element: User2 Field

CUS-PAYMENT-FORMAT     Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Payment FormatDetermines the payment format of the
                       file output for EFT transactions. Valid
                       values are:

                       A = ACH
                       B = BACS
                       N = Non formatted

CUS-VBANK-IDENT        Alpha 1                                   AR96.1
Element: Alphadata1    This field indicates if the account
                       number is an IBAN number that requires
                       an account validation check.

CUS-BANK-TRAN-CD       Alpha 2                                   AR96.1
Element: Bank Tran Cd  Indicates whether first, regular or last
                       direct debit transaction for a customer.

CUS-MX-TMPLT-NAME      Alpha 12                                  AR96.1
Element: Mx Tmplt Name

                         ARICST FILE INDEX


CUSSET1   COMPANY       The path is used to keep the records     AR550   AR96.1
          CUSTOMER      unique.
          ACTION-CD     KeyChange