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                             EEDISTRIB FILE

                          Expense Distribution

The Employee Expense Distribution file is used to store expense distribution
detail records.


AP198     EE220     EE275     EEI1.1    EE90.3


AP30.4    AP300     AP305     EE135     EE175     EE20.2
EE20.3    EE20.4    EE35.1    EE35.2    EE520


EED-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Company       The company number. Must be a valid       EE520
                       record in the Accounts Payable Company

EED-VENDOR             Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Employee      The employee number. Must be a valid      EE520
                       record in the Accounts Payable Vendor

EED-EXPENSE-NBR        Alpha 10                                  EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Expense NumberA unique, user-defined number assigned    EE520
                       to the employee expense.

EED-SEQ-NBR            Numeric 4                                 EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Sequence NumbeA unique system-assigned identification   EE520
                       value assigned to the distribution to
                       make the record unique.

EED-ORIG-SEQ-NBR       Numeric 4
Element: Orig Seq Nbr

EED-REC-STATUS         Numeric 1                                 AP30.4  EE135
Element: Record Status The record status of the distribution.    EE175   EE20.3
                       Valid values are:                         EE20.4  EE35.1
                                                                 EE35.2  EE520
                       0 = Unreleased.
                       1 = Released.
                       9 = Posted by EE175 (company-paid
                       expense distributions only).

EED-CATEGORY           Alpha 9                                   EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Category      The category code assigned to the         EE520
                       employee expense distribution.
                       Identifies the type of expense. Used to
                       default a general ledger account and
                       optional distribution information to the
                       expense distribution during entry. Must
                       be a valid record in the Category Code

EED-TRAN-EXP-AMT       Signed 18.2                               AP30.4  EE20.3
Element: Intl Amt      The amount of the distribution in the     EE20.4  EE520
                       currency of the transaction.

EED-TRAN-ND            Numeric 1                                 EE20.3  EE20.4
Account Currency       The number of decimal positions defined   EE520
Code                   for the transaction currency.

EED-BASE-EXP-AMT       Signed 18.2                               AP30.4  EE20.3
Element: Intl Amt      The amount of the distribution in the     EE20.4  EE520
                       company base currency.

EED-TAX-SEQ-NBR        Numeric 4
Element: Tax Seq Nbr

EED-TAX-INDICATOR      Numeric 1                                 EE520
Element: Tax Indicator

EED-TAX-CODE           Alpha 10                                  EE20.3  EE520
Element: Tax Code      The tax code assigned to an employee
                       expense tax distribution. Must be a
                       valid record in the Tax Code file.

EED-TAX-RATE           Percent 7.5  (Percent)                    EE20.3  EE520
Element: Chrg Rate     The tax rate defined for the tax code.

EED-TAX-TYPE           Alpha 1                                   EE20.3  EE520
Element: Tax Type      The type of tax represented by the tax

EED-ACCR-CODE          Alpha 4                                   EE20.2  EE20.3
Element: Invoice AccruaThe invoice accrual code assigned to a    EE20.4  EE520
                       company-paid expense distribution. Used
                       to default a general ledger accrual
                       account to the expense.

EED-APA-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  EE520
Distribution           The general ledger accrual accounting
Accrual Acct Unit      unit assigned to the distribution. Must
                       be a valid record in the General Ledger
                       Names file.

EED-APA-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 EE520
Distribution           The general ledger accrual account
Accrual Account        number assigned to the distribution.
                       Must be a valid record in the General
                       Ledger Account Master file.

EED-APA-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 EE520
Distribution           The general ledger accrual subaccount
Accrual Subacct        number assigned to the distribution.
                       Must be a valid record in the General
                       Ledger Account Master file.

EED-TAXABLE-AMT        Signed 18.2                               AP30.4  EE20.3
Element: Intl Amt      The amount of the expense distribution    EE520
                       that is taxable.

EED-CATEGORY-TYPE      Alpha 1                                   EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Category Type Identifies the type of expense. Valid     EE520
                       values are:

                       E = Employee Paid Expense.
                       C = Company Paid Expense.
                       P = Cash Payment (payback).
                       U = Units.

EED-EXP-CURRENCY       Alpha 5                                   EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Expense CurrenThe currency of the distribution. Must    EE520
                       be a valid record in the Currency Codes

EED-CURR-RATE          Signed 14.7                               EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Currency Rate The exchange rate for the expense         EE520
                       distribution. Used to convert a non-base
                       currency expense amount to the company
                       base currency.

EED-CURR-EFF-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Date          The effective date for the currency       EE520
                       exchange rate.

EED-EXPENSE-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Date          The date the expense was incurred.        EE520

EED-DIST-COMPANY       Numeric 4                                 EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Posting CompanThe company the distribution will be      EE520
                       posted to. Must be a valid record in the
                       General Ledger Company file. A valid
                       intercompany relationship must exist in
                       the General Ledger Intercompany file.
                       The company that a transaction should
                       be posted to. A valid intercompany
                       relationship must be defined in the
                       Lawson General Ledger system.

EED-DISTRIB-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AP30.4  EE20.2
Element: Posting Date  The general ledger posting date           EE20.3  EE20.4
                       assigned to the distribution.             EE520

EED-EXP-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  EE20.3  EE20.4
Distribution           The general ledger distribution           EE520
Accounting Unit        accounting unit. Must be a valid record
                       in the General Ledger Names file.

EED-EXP-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 EE20.3  EE20.4
Distribution           The general ledger distribution account   EE520
Account Number         number. Must be a valid record in the
                       General Ledger Account Master file.

EED-EXP-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 EE20.3  EE20.4
Distribution           The general ledger distribution           EE520
Subaccount Number      subaccount number. Must be a valid
                       record in the General Ledger Account
                       Master file.

EED-ACTIVITY           Alpha 15                                  EE20.3  EE520
Element: Activity      The activity assigned to the employee
                       expense distribution. Must be a valid
                       record in the Lawson Activity Management

EED-REFERENCE          Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                    EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Reference     The reference value assigned to the       EE520

EED-DESCRIPTION        Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Description   The description assigned to the           EE520

EED-GLT-OBJ-ID         Numeric 12                                EE135   EE175
Object                 This is a subsystem GL interface          EE35.1  EE35.2
Identification         identification number. It is used for     EE520
                       Drill Around purposes.

EED-ACT-OBJ-ID         Numeric 12                                EE135   EE175
Object                 A subsystem activity interface            EE35.1  EE35.2
Identification         identification number. Used for Drill     EE520
                       Around purposes.

EED-ACCT-CATEGORY      Alpha 5                                   EE20.3  EE520
Element: Account CategoThe account category assigned to the
                       employee expense distribution. Must be a
                       valid record in the Lawson Activity
                       Management system.

EED-UNT-AMOUNT         Signed 18.2                               EE20.3  EE520
Element: Unit Amount   The total unit amount for the

EED-ANALYSIS-FLD       Alpha 32                                  EE20.3  EE20.4
Element: Analysis FieldThe user-defined analysis field
                       assigned to the distribution.

                         EEDISTRIB FILE INDEX


EEDSET1   COMPANY       This index is used to access employee    AP198   AP30.4
          VENDOR        expense records for a specific employee  AP300   AP305
          EXPENSE-NBR   and company.                             EE135   EE175
          SEQ-NBR                                                EE20.2  EE20.3
                                                                 EE20.4  EE220
                                                                 EE275   EE35.1
                                                                 EE35.2  EE520

EEDSET2   COMPANY       This index is used to access unreleased  EE175
          REC-STATUS    expense records for an employee.
          VENDOR        KeyChange

EEDSET3   DIST-COMPANY  This index is used to access expense     EE275
          EXP-ACCT-UNIT distributions for a specific category
          CATEGORY      and distribution company.
          EXP-ACCOUNT   KeyChange

EEDSET4   DIST-COMPANY  This index is used to access expense     EE90.3
          CATEGORY      distribution records for a specific
          DISTRIB-DATE  category and company.
          VENDOR        KeyChange

EEDSET5   ACT-OBJ-ID    This index is used by the Activity
          COMPANY       Management System to drill back to the
          VENDOR        Accounts Payable System detail records.
          EXPENSE-NBR   KeyChange, Subset
          SEQ-NBR       Where ACT-OBJ-ID != Zeroes

EEDSET6   COMPANY       This index is used to access expenses    EE20.3
          VENDOR        for a specific employee.
          EXPENSE-NBR   KeyChange

EEDSET8   GLT-OBJ-ID    KeyChange, Subset
          COMPANY       Where GLT-OBJ-ID != Zeroes

                         EEDISTRIB FILE RELATIONS



Eecategory     EECATEGORY   Required

                            EED-COMPANY          -> CTG-COMPANY  (CTGSET1)
                            EED-CATEGORY         -> CTG-CATEGORY

Eeexpense      EEEXPENSE    Required

                            EED-COMPANY          -> EXP-COMPANY
                            EED-VENDOR           -> EXP-VENDOR
                            EED-EXPENSE-NBR      -> EXP-EXPENSE-NBR

Glmaster       GLMASTER     Required

                            EED-COMPANY          -> GLM-COMPANY
                            EED-EXP-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            EED-EXP-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            EED-EXP-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Glnames        GLNAMES      Required

                            EED-COMPANY          -> GLN-COMPANY
                            EED-EXP-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLN-ACCT-UNIT