BR09.1 - Jurisdiction Codes
Use Jurisdiction Codes (BR09.1) to create codes
that identify any region that requires sequential numbering of invoices and
credit memos.
Jurisdiction codes are defined on this form, and are assigned to a contract
as a customer invoice option on Customer (BR11.1). A
sequential invoice number will be generated for all invoices or credit memos
using the same jurisdiction code across the entire Billing and Revenue system.
You can also use Jurisdiction Code Numbering (BR09.2) to
edit the last invoice number used to for a jurisdiction if needed.
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BR09.2 - Jurisdiction Code Numbering
Use Jurisdiction Code Numbering (BR09.2) to modify
the last invoice number used for the selected jurisdiction code. In this way,
you can control the invoice numbers used on invoices and credit memos the
next time billing is run.
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