Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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MX60.1 - Attribute Valid Value Maintenance

Use Attribute Valid Value Maintenance (MX60.1) to view and edit
the attribute values and value ranges imported from a non-Lawson file
into the MXVALREL (UNIX/Windows) or DBIFMVR (System i)
Lawson database file.

**More Information

The attributes for which you are loading values must already
be defined in the Matrix Attribute (MX) application.  You must run
Attribute, Element Load (MX100) to load all the Lawson predefined
attributes with their associated elements and object types.  If you
are interfacing values for user-defined attributes, you must define
the attributes using Attribute (MX00.1).
You can delete attribute values in the MXVALREL (UNIX/Windows)
or DBIFMVR (System i) file; you can also add new attributes and values
to the file, as long as the attribute is already defined in the Matrix
Attribute application.
To list the attribute values in the MXVALREL (UNIX/Windows)
or DBIFMVR (System i) file, run Attribute Valid Value Listing (MX260).

Updated Files

    MXVALREL   -

Referenced Files

    MXCATDEF   -