Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Conditions Elements Libraries APIs Forms


                             APEXPINV FILE


AP20.1    AP20.2    AP20.3    AP20.4    AP20.5    AP20.7
AP21.1    AP23.1    MA41.1    MA41.2    MA41.4    MA41.7


IEX-COMPANY            Numeric 4
Element: Company       Identifies the AP company if the
                       resource type = V.  Identifies the HR
                       company if the resource type = E.  It is
                       blank for type A, P or Q resources.

IEX-VENDOR             Alpha 9  (Right Justified)
Element: Vendor        The vendor's identification code.

IEX-VENDOR-VNAME       Alpha 30  (Lower Case)
Element: Name          Displays the company description.

IEX-INVOICE            Alpha 22
Element: Invoice       Used to identify the invoice.

IEX-SUFFIX             Numeric 3
Element: Suffix        This is the suffix for the invoice.

IEX-CANCEL-SEQ         Numeric 4
Element: Seq Nbr       An automatically assigned sequence

IEX-INV-TYPE           Alpha 1
Element: Invoice Type  THis field will be filled in from the
                       Invoice based on PO number.  This is a
                       carrier for the field.  The PORECEIVE
                       file will have to be updated with this

IEX-REC-STATUS         Numeric 1
Element: Rec Status    The record status.

IEX-OBJ-ID             Numeric 12
Element: Obj Id        This is the object identifier. It is
                       used to relate commitments or posted
                       transactions back to the originating
                       subsystems. Each subsystem record that
                       is updated as a commitment or posted
                       transaction is assigned an object
                       identifier. The object identifier is
                       maintained in the subsystem files and in
                       the Activity Commitments Detail and
                       Activity Transaction files. The object
                       identifier is a unique key used to drill
                       back from Activity Management to the

IEX-PO-NUMBER          Alpha 14  (Right Justified)
Element: Po Number     This field contains the number
                       representing the purchase order.

IEX-PO-RELEASE         Numeric 4
Element: Po Release    Used to identify a purchase order
                       release (created from a Blanket or
                       Standing order).

IEX-PO-CODE            Alpha 4
Element: Po Code       This is the purchase order code.

IEX-LOCATION           Alpha 5
Element: Location      This field contains a valid stocking
                       location within the company inventory.

IEX-TRAN-INV-AMT       Signed 18.2
Element: Intl Amt

IEX-BASE-INV-AMT       Signed 18.2
Element: Intl Amt

IEX-RETAIL-AMT         Signed 18.2
Element: Intl Amt

IEX-INVOICE-DTE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Invoice Dte

IEX-CREATE-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Create Date   The creation date.

Element: Handling Code

IEX-MATCH-FL           Alpha 1
Element: Match Fl      This field determines whether a
                       transaction is considered to be a match

IEX-MATCH-STATUS       Numeric 1
Element: Match Status

IEX-MATCH-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Date          This field displays the system date
                       when this was created.

IEX-MATCH-OBJ-ID       Numeric 12
Element: Obj Id        This is the object identifier. It is
                       used to relate commitments or posted
                       transactions back to the originating
                       subsystems. Each subsystem record that
                       is updated as a commitment or posted
                       transaction is assigned an object
                       identifier. The object identifier is
                       maintained in the subsystem files and in
                       the Activity Commitments Detail and
                       Activity Transaction files. The object
                       identifier is a unique key used to drill
                       back from Activity Management to the

IEX-EXPORT-FL          Alpha 1
Element: All Flag

IEX-CANCELLED-FL       Alpha 1
Element: All Flag

IEX-DIST-CODE          Alpha 9
Element: Dist Code     A user-defined code used to
                       automatically create expense
                       distributions or expense distribution
                       "shells" for invoices or to split an
                       invoice distribution into multiple

IEX-USER-FIELD-1       Alpha 30
Element: User Field1   This is the first user definable field.
                       It can be used to capture any data that
                       the user wants.  The title of the field
                       is setup in IC00.

IEX-USER-FIELD-2       Alpha 30
Element: User Field2   This is the second user definable
                       field. This field can be used to enter
                       any data that the user wants to capture
                       for this item.  The title of the field
                       is setup in IC00.

IEX-USER-FIELD-3       Alpha 30
Element: User Field3   This field is the third user definable
                       field.  It can be used to capture any
                       data that the user wants.  The name of
                       the field is determined in IC00.

                         APEXPINV FILE INDEX


IEXSET1   COMPANY                                                AP20.1  AP20.2
          OBJ-ID                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP21.1  AP23.1
                                                                 MA41.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA41.4  MA41.7