Create report based on report user employee hierarchy

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I need to create a crystal report of employee related data. The report will be viewed by various levels of management, Managers, Directors, AVP or VP. One of the report criteria requested is that the report only display data for the employees that fall under the user running the report. So for example if a Director is running the report, the report should only include the employees that are under that director’s organization chart hierarchy. Using Lawson LBI Bursting option, the crystal report can only filter the data one user level, not the full hierarchy of the user running the report. Is there some sort of method that you can recommend so that LBI or the report can use to determine the data that should be included in the report based on report user hierarchy? Lawson (Windows) MS SQL Server 2008 Crystal Reports 2008
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Agersh, Are you familiar with creating "Reporting Structures" and "Elements" in LBI's Bursting option?
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Robby, I am somewhat new to LBI. But I am famular with creating Structures and Element pretaining to InfoSets. Have not really played with LBI Bursting except for the Lawson class that I attended.
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OK, Lets start at the beginning....How is the organization chart hierarchy it based on Department? In other words, which piece of employee data will determine which manager will see the data? (Let's limit the discussion to the first level of the hierarchy (Manager) to begin with)
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Hi Robby, I apologize for the delay with my reply. Our organization chart hierarchy is based/built on Process Level + Department. The same department code can be assigned to more than 1 Process Level (example: Dept: 6500 (ER), PL 1 = North, PL 6 = South, PL 15 = SLW but they all share Dept Code 6500). Does this make sense?
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Your structure makes sense, and we can work with that. Do you have access to If yes, go to the Knowledgebase and find the Reporting Services documentation, Document Number REPUG-904W-02. Read pages 105-108. If you don't have access, send me your email address and i'll send the pdf to you. We need to start with this info to get your report setup correctly. It can be done :-)
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Yes I have access to . Reading pages 105-108 right now.
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Robby, I have read Document Number REPUG-904W-02, pages 105-108. Trying to put the pieces together. The following are the fields available in my crystal report: PAY_WEEK, COST_CENTER EMPLOYEE_LASTNAME EMPLOYEE_FIRSTNAME EMPLOYEE_ID EMPLOYEE_EXPTD_WKLY_HRS EMPLOYEE_REG_HRS EMPLOYEE_OT_HRS EMPLOYEE_CALLBACK_HRS EMPLOYEE_SHIFT_EXT_HRS EMPLOYEE_TOTAL_HRS EMPLOYEE_LOGIN EMPLOYEE_SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR_EMPLOYEE_ID SUPERVISOR_ LAST_NAME SUPERVISOR_ FIRST_NAME SUPERVISOR_LOGIN ** COST_CENTER Notes: COST_CENTER is Process Level + Department, ex. PL = 1, Dept=6500, COST_CENTER=’016500’. The same department code can be assigned to more than one process level. If needed I can separate COST_CENTER into two fields, Process Level and Department.
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That's Great! We can use "Cost_center" as the "element" to build a bursting "structure". Send me your email address, I'll forward a doc I created, Robby
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My email address:
Greg Moeller
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Could you send that document to as well? I'd be interested in seeing it as well.
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Robby, thank you for the doc it is very helpful. I setup the following bursting for my crystal report. [Reporting Services Administration – Right Management] Elements: - Cost Center Element - Supervisor Login Element Structures: - Kronos Rpt Element: Cost Center Element, Order: 1 Element: Supervisor Login Element, Order: 2 [Report Details - Report Bursting Options] Method: Data Structure Structure: Kronos Rpt Element to Field Mapping Cost Center Element = COST_CENTER Supervisor Login Element = S_LOGIN ----------------------------------- In order to test with out getting a manager leve person involded at this point I modifed the query that the report uses so that the supervisor login (S_LOGIN) field would = my login id 'agersh', ( 'agersh' AS 'S_LOGIN'). When I try to view the report Lawson displays the following message... Message: There are not any Rights on File for the requested User. UserId: agersh Description: Report Request Failed For: Associates Approaching or In OT - Design Draft.rpt Additional Text: Publication Key: Since I am not a manager/supervisor level user in Lawson would by me setting the supervisor login (S_LOGIN) field in the report query = to my login id cause the above message?
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Here's my recommendation on a way to set this up and facilitate easy testing. Go back to the Lawson document and read the section on custom groups. Create a custom group for each manager (all levels). That way, when there are manager changes, you would only change the users in the custom group, and to test, make yourself the only one in the group. With custom groups the 'rights' are setup based on the group, not the user. You're getting the error now because your ID doesn't have the correct rights for this report assigned (at least that the way it sounds :-) )
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We went a different direction that seemed to work for us, we use the direct and indirct supervisor codes from HR Super table and link those to the report user. So when I run the report, it sees my user name, matches it to the HR super table and queries only the employee related records that roll up to me as a direct or indirect supervisor. We rely on HR to maintain those codes and do not build bursting rights that we have to maintain as managers, directors, VP's change.
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Mark, Thank you for sharing the direction that your orgization took. Yes I agree about using bursting rights. Especially lately we have been having plenty of manager and director changes. I am assuming that your reference to indirect supervisor is referring to the HRSUPER.SUPER_RPT_TO field. Looking at the HRSUPER table I see that the SUPER_RPT_TO field is empty for all rows in the table. Is HR not maintaining our managers, directors, VP's correctly in Lawson? Also can you share the steps that you perform to link the direct and indirect supervisor codes from HR Super table to the report user?
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Mark, I am very interested in seeing/understanding the steps that you performed to link the direct and indirect supervisor codes from HR Super table to the report user. So I wanted to verify that your seen my 6/28/2012 1:21pm reply. Robby, As I previously mentioned I am somewhat new to LBI and creating crystal reports based/filtered on report user employee hierarchy. So the communication that we have been having is important to me. That’s way I am also looking at custom groups as you recommended.
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shoot me an email and I will send along some screen shots or we can do a quick go to meeting that I can show you what we've done
Paul Berkowitz
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Robby, Could you send that document as well, to as well. Current working on a time allocation report. thanks Paul
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I tried searching & Infor Xtreme for Document Number REPUG-904W-02 to no avail. Can someone please send it to me at
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In case it can help anybody, I have written a blogpost on setting up elements and structures on Reporting Services, it's there: