Item images in IC11 option, has anyone used this? If so, is this helpful, used by end users in RQC ?
At my previous place we used it and as others have mentioned users really liked it but it does require quite a bit of maintenance and some periodic reminding that its there. To start off we asked our distributer to creat a file with our item numbers attached to each JPG. We then asked for assistance from Don Peterson at Infor to help creat an add-in to load them. It was a nice jump start for us to add about 2500 routine items. I have since heard thay they lost interest in keeping the project going because the usage didnt warrant the upkeep.
Infor offers some self contained workbooks you can configure and utilize. Otherwise I'd say your IT team can write a script to update this detail for you.
I have some other documents but it won't let me attach them on here. Just email me at if you have any interest.