Lawson Carefusion Interface

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Has anyone successfully interfaced the Lawson item master with the Carefusion item master?  The challenge is Carefusion has a 50,000 SKU limit.  Has anyone worked around that limit?  If so, what specifically did you do?  We are being told that the OR has to have it's on item master.



Greg Moeller
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Not specifically Carefusion, but we have an interface running with Cerner's Surginet piece. I run IC527 to extract the item master from Lawson and I wrote a perl script to manipulate the data. Only include active items, don't include items from certain locations, reformat the output into more of an IC526-type file, etc.
Been working wonderfully for more than a year.
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We use a Access report to pull items flagged for 'CERNER' (use a IC11 Userfield) to upload into Cerner on a nightly basis. This keeps the # of SKU's limited to only those items flagged as needed by Surgery/Cerner.
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It may appear that the 50K limit is a potential show-stopper (given that a full catalog of merely trauma screws could include several thousand records, for example), but even large hospital networks with one or more Trauma centers have rarely more than 20-30K active Items in true use - and this includes the bevy of potential Consignment Trays and individual consignment items one may track.

The above suggestion to review truly active/used items might be illuminating - both to productively limit the number of items to be concerned with for interfacing, but also to understand for the future which items should be most scrutinized for pricing and contracting.