New Par locations CM, not visible on Hand Held

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Bev Edwards
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I created 2 new par locations in IC81. I logged into MSCM and was able to add them to my user, however when he logs into the hand held, they are not showing up in the list of parforms.
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If the user selects All Parforms, does he see the PAR location on the handheld? Then he probably has location access but not Parform access.
Bev Edwards
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He sees every location on the hand held EXCEPT for the 2 new ones I created. I checked his role in MSC and he was missing a role called Par Count - My Par Forms. I added this to the Par and Cycle Counting group, but they are still not visible on the HH when My Parforms is selected.
Greg Moeller
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This issue has supposedly been fixed like 8 times before... have your DBA do this in the MSCM database: delete from ICAUDIT_TRACKER; commit; Then the next time it syncs from Lawson (default 5 minutes) you should see all par forms again.
Bev Edwards
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Thanks Greg! I actually did see a thread that included a script that you run regularly to delete items from ICAUDIT. I just looked at our ICAUDIT table and records begin at 2001. I'm new to Lawson, so I'm unsure of how to perform the delete from in the MSCM application for ICAUDIT_TRACKER.
Greg Moeller
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Bev: It's not from within the application itself... it would be something your DBA would have to do on the database itself. Your only other option to fix this is to turn the audit flags off, wait for a sync, then turn them it back on again from within Lawson app itself. I forget the screen name though.
Bev Edwards
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Gotcha. I suppose that would be something our hosting vendor would have to take care of then? I'll also look into your other suggestion to turn off the audit flags, wait for a sync and then turn them back on again. Thanks Greg
Ben Coonfield
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I have used the method of turning off the audit flag, waiting a few hours, and turning it back on to fix sync problems that we were not able to resolve any other way.  This was successful each time, and might be easier than getting a hosting vendor to make a change for you.
Greg Moeller
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It may be easier... but you'd have to evaluate the loss of the audit impact while the flag is turned off. It may not be where you want to go.
Ben Coonfield
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I agree - in our case we had to do this in the middle of the night when users would not be adding any locations, to ensure we did not affect the audit data.
Bev Edwards
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Thanks for all of ths feedback ans suggestions. I will weigh all before making a decision. Greg, I love your comment on another post about baptism by fire. this is pretty much been my experience to as I had no formal training with loss and it's all been learning as I go which is why I so much appreciate all of the feedback and suggestions that I get all of you on lawson guru.
Bev Edwards
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I turned off the audit flags in IC01 and left them off for about 30 minutes, however even after turning them back on, the 2 new par locations are still not being seen when I log into the hand held with my test user. (or myself) I have checked the roles (my parforms was added to both, which seemed to be the only thing missing) and the locations and all seems to be in place, so I'm not sure what else could be wrong.
Bev Edwards
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Hi Greg,   We got our issue fixed following your recommendation. Our hosting vendor shut down WebSphere, re-indexed the ICAUDIT_TRACKER, restarted WebSphere and the par locs are now visible. On another note, I'm trying to download all of the Items for one particular vendor. I have the APVENMAST table and the ITEMMAST. What other table do I need to link theses to so I can pull everything I need? Bev
Kat V
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POITEMVEN (the PO13) to give you the reorder number and the vendor number to index to APVENMAST. In Lawson, PO213 will list all items for a vendor though. What else are you trying to pull?