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Is there another area in LID where things are defined for programs inside of LID? We have a custom program an ex employee wrote, but are finding lines that say for example PERFORM 780-DISPLAY-MESSAGE but when you look in the program you dont see this defined anywhere. Is there something I am missing? I have looked all in the program...all the options, the working storage, etc etc etc. Thoughts?
Donna Wirt
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That code is pulled in when the program is compiled. Run 'bldsh' for your program and a .cbl will be created.  You will see the actual 780-DISPLAY-MESSAGE code.
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Hi Ronnie, This is a call to an external library.  It isn't included directly in your program code, but it is automatically included in the compiled code.  If you do a "lawcmp -D prodline syscode program" it will create a new file in the source directly named {program code}.cbl (i.e. HR11.cbl) that lists the full compile code listing.  If you look in that file, you will find the code for 780-DISPLAY-MSG". In this case, you could also look in the "Doc for Developers: Lawson 4GL Application Program Interfaces" document.  It describes most of the delivered functions (like this one) that can be called from within a program.  FYI - the "780-DISPLAY-MSG" function "gets and displays an error message for errors associated with application program processing. Before entry, the caller sets the inputs in CRTWS. The error message (CRT-MESSAGE), as built, is left in CRTWS after displaying."  Details of inputs/outputs/useage are included in the above document. Good Luck! Kelly
Kelly Meade
J. R. Simplot Company
Boise, ID