LDAP query based on roles assigned or NOT assigned

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    Can anyone tell me how to do a query to identify any users that DO NOT have a particular role assigned?

    We use Softerra LDAP Browser and I already have queries that identify all user that DO HAVE a particular role assigned. However, when trying to identify those who are missing a designated role that all users should have, I can not get it to work.

    I am using the syntax: zzlwsnattrRole=RoleXYZ to find someone with a designated role assigned. But if I change that syntax to (!(zzlwsnattrRole=RoleXYZ)) it returns all users, instead of only those who do not have RoleXYZ assigned.

    I can't figure out how to do this and need to identify users that do not have a certain group of roles assigned for our auditors.

    Please help if you have figured out how to do this in Softerra! Thank you kindly!!

    Kwane McNeal
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 479
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      What LDAP product and version are you using?

      Is the query you have posted here, the entire query you are using?
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        Softerra LDAP Browser 4.5.

        Complete Query is as follows:
        Search DN: OU=resources,O=lwsnrmdata,CN=lwsn,DC=mvn,DC=local
        Filter: zzlwsnattrRole=RoleXYZ
        Attributes: lwsnssoListOfIDs,lwsnssoAllAttrValueList
        Kwane McNeal
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 479
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          I'm surprised you get anything back, actually. The lwsnsso* attributes aren't on anything in ou=resources. The LDAP Server must just be ignoring those...

          Also, when I asked about LDAP product, I should have been more clear to state I was looking for info on the Server components.

          Kwane McNeal
          Veteran Member
          Posts: 479
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            On the surface, your attempted negation query should work.
            I would remove the attributes you're looking for, since those aren't on anything in ou=respurces, and replace it with just 'cn'

            I'd make sure the search scope is 'one' (not 'base' or 'sub')

            Depending on server and how many users, you may need a paged search enabled...

            Veteran Member
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            Veteran Member
              Thank you Kwane! It looks like using 'one' instead of sub-tree level and changing to 'cn' only in the attributes is returning the results I am looking for. Thanks for you help.
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