DME Field Max Valuel

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    Can you select the maximum value in  a field using a DME call thru Design Studio?

    I want to get the Maximum employee number on the HR employee table, is there a max command I can use with the DME call?
    David Williams
    Veteran Member
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      You can add &SELECT=EMPLOYEE<=12345 to your DME to get the values equal to or less than the employee number you want. I'm not sure if the employee value has to be in quotes so try it both ways.
      David Williams
      David Williams
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        Kathy - when you're in Design Studio if you select Tools and then API Builder you can select DME and build the DME with the Select limits to get the correct syntax, etc. This is a great utility for new DS developers.
        David Williams
        Sam Simpson
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          If you are using auto numbering then do a DME on PRSYSTEM table.
          Gary Davies
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            MAX will limit the number of records, for instance if you put 100 in there it will stop after reading 100 records, not employee 100.  

            SELECT is not very efficient.

            You can set a range in the DME key like this:

            Obj.key= "1->100";

            If you are trying to find the last employee number used then get the company record (PROCESS-LEVEL of blank) from the PRSYSTEM table for the field LAST-EMPLOYEE

            John Henley
            Posts: 3353
              Posted By KathyB on 08/05/2009 02:57 PM
              is there a max command I can use with the DME call?
              Assuming you're on LSF9, there are some new DME parameters; so for company 4321, this will give you the highest employee number:

              Thanks for using the forums!
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