workspace and/or LSO ???

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Just curious to know if others are as confused as we are on this topic. We are a Windows customer and our users currently access applications, self-service, and T&E through portal. When we heard that portal was being retired, we thought we would have to choose between LSO and workspace (and frankly, we were hoping that workspace would meet our needs, since it is free). But I had a brief email conversation with Matt Albee at Lawson today in which he stated, "Just so you know, we don’t expect customers to choose between LSO and Workspace, we expect that they will deploy both."

The little bit I have seen about workspace here and other places on the web seems to imply that we would be fine with workspace alone. Is there a compelling reason to have both? We'd prefer not to have to support and maintain two UIs, or deal with the phone calls stemming from users' LSO customization attempts.

John Henley
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Remember that Matt's a marketing guy :>
Workspace replaces portal, and also provides the hosting container for self-service apps.
LSO is still the "power user" interface, but is optional.
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Have you seen workspace in action? When we asked our outside consultant this question, they said they couldn't be sure because it won't be available until S3 10 comes out. I also asked this question during the webinars on S3 10 that Lawson hosted last week, and did not get a straight answer. I think we are going to have to blow money we don't have to go to cue, just to (hopefully) find out what is going on. We want to start budgeting and planning sooner rather than later!
Ruma Malhotra
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According to the webinard from lawson and the other material that is coming out, Lawson has given customers the choice to deploy either workspace or LSO or both.
For power users or more sophisticated users be the director or mangers of business units on which decisions lie Lawson smart office is the best choice. Since by the use of LSO they can customize screens add widgets lists etc which will change the way they work by working the way they want to work. for e.g you could be an healthcare environment and have Accounts payable, purchasing etc. With the help of LSO you can modify the Ap10 or PO20 screens, create lists etc. Use of LSo will be higher in these environments.

For users who are not using Lawson as their tool for day to day operations but need lawson from time to time these users will need workspace. Links to LBI, ESS, MSS etc can be  created on workspace since this will be the replacement for poratl and for LSO as well.
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It seems pretty straightforward to me. Workspace replaces Portal. You also have the option of purchasing Smart Office and deploying it to your more sophisticated users regardless of whether everyone else is running Portal or Workspace. The decision to purchase and deploy Smart Office is not tied to the replacement of Portal by Workspace.
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Let me take a crack at this from the research I have done and what I have seen to date.

LSO is primarily for headsdown/core users. There are a few reasons for that from my perspective. 1.) Licensing wise if you took advantage of the LSO for maintenance only option that Lawson offered, you are licensed for concurrent licenses equal to what your back end modules were. For example, if you have 40 licenses for AP you would get 40 licenses. 2.) LSO has personalizations that users can define and utilize like hiding fields, defaulting values, etc without IT intervention. 3.) If you plan to use Mashup Designer (highly recommended by me) to pull data from multiple forms, tables, etc to create an application that follows your business process. LSO is required. 4.) Keep in mind LSO is a physical install on PC's and to take full advantage of features like Edit in excel, you must be Office 2007 or above and you PC's need to be at certain specs to get required performance. I think this is one of the major reasons for not rolling everyone to LSO as the PC requirements and work from home options are slightly more complex than a portal/sharepoint site deployment.

Workspace will be the replacement for Portal with a Sharepoint frontend. This should put the UI on a standard platform for bringing in 3rd party systems into 1 place. This will be the way to integrate self service, other Infor products and provide an up to date user experience. This is more for the casual user as they don't get into Lawson at the same frequency.

In terms of planning, they laid out some steps you can do to get to a place where S3 10/Infor 10 will work. The interim steps you would make sure are in place are 1.) Move to LS security 2.) Deploy LSO 3.) Deploy the new ProcessFlow tool ( I forgot the marketing name for this) 4.) Deploy S3 10

Those interim steps if you haven't taken them will help in determining the course of action. We have LS security deployed, we are deploying LSO currently and will roadmap the remaining. The date I have seen is May 2012 for release so we plan from that day out and would most likely look to next summer to install S3 10.

Hope that helps some as I have tried to begin the planning and roadmapping of this new product.
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The deployment of LSO is not a required step to get to S3 10.
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Thanks guys. I guess what makes us feel a little unsure, never having seen S3 10 or workspace, is how we keep reading that LSO should be deployed for our "heads down" /"power"/"core"/whatever users, and workspace is more aimed at "casual"/"day-to-day" users. I've got several hundred applicationusers that I would consider "core" -- accounting, HR/benefits, payroll depts, right up through executive. All these people are logged into Lawson applications all day every day. They currently access applications through portal and have no trouble getting their work done there. Is workspace missing something these people need? If we can get them to Lawson applications, emss, and T&E through workspace, and it sounds like we can, what is the need for LSO? It is being billed as an efficiency enhancer, but from what I've seen, it looks like a toy that gives users alot of new ways to fiddle around and waste time.
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Lawson would like everyone to buy LSO, so they've been implicating or even saying outright that you must have it for your daily users of Lawson. If, as they are also saying, workspace provides all the functionality of portal then you shouldn't need LSO.
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We are still defining our savings on LSO but it all comes down to ease of use and clicks. Clicks & Keystrokes = Time. So if I as an end user can remove fields I don't use or change the tab order to not have to click or tab through the field, then I save time. If I can default in a company number, and the person next to me can default a different company number, that saves 6 keystrokes. List driven searches and the ability to save that filtered list so when you click next on a form that it only scrolls to the next record in your filter, huge time saver. Then you add the ability to edit in excel, this provides access to users to utilize an add-in like toolset without having to map columns, download, upload and know the table structure.

Beyond base LSO, I love Mash up designer! This tool on top of LSO allows me to pull together disparet information into 1 view. For Example, in Grants they look at People data (employee table), Labor Distribution (GM10.2), Labor Cost Transfers (GM12.2) and Effort Reports (GM65). I have built a Mashup that allows me to follow the business process and have 1 screen that filters by employee when I click the employee it pre-filters the other forms which I placed on tabs. As I click the tab, the data is already there waiting for me to review. I now have taken the Lawson Application and turned it into a form to better utilize our organizations business process. The key to mashups, you have to deploy in LSO. My first mashup took about 4 hours to build, far less time than LBI or DS would have taken me to accomplish the same goals.

You can probably tell I am in the group supporting LSO deployment. I see you points and the marketing of it from Lawson. I then see how an area like Grants is very labor intensive without the ability to pull all of that data together and I see a vision for LSO / Mashups leading the way to make my users life's easier. That is my one and only sales pitch as LSO is a good tool, but I feel mashups takes it to another level.

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Sounds like LSO is a godsend for your Grants users, Mark!

I am sure that LSO is not evil. Hopefully as the time gets closer, Lawson will be more a bit more forthcoming about the pros and cons of both UIs, so their customers can make informed decisions. We've been trying to contact our acct rep for more info or a demo, but to no avail!

How are you delivering LSO, Mark, are you guys physically going from PC to PC? What is your training strategy? Rolling out LSO would be a pretty decent sized effort for us, as we have Lawson application users in offices spread across the US.
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The nice piece about the LSO install, you can send people to a URL and with 1 click it installs. We can do it for them remotely. We have targeted one area for our rollout up front. Grant Admin (Grants Accounting).

Physically we are in 3 buildings but only 5 miles apart total, so logistically we have an easier time if we wanted to go physically to the pc's.

YOu should be ok with the remoting in or even walking them through it on the phone. If your certificates are set up correctly, you won't have to touch anything else. Addins will install on the first time they used export to excel.

LSO auto pushes the updates to the PCs when you upgrade to a new version. It just tells them there is an update and installs. They sign in and get the new version. That piece makes it easier to support from an IT perspective on the PC itself.

As you are rolling out, PC's will be a big thing to keep your eye on. I have a Win 7 PC with Office 2010 and see no speed issues. We have some on XP SP3 and Office 2010 and they seem some performance issues. We are trying to quantify the differences to see if it warrents new PC's with Win 7 and more memory.
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Thanks Mark! The initial install sounds pretty slick.

Sounds like you are saying that LSO actually uses addins for its excel piece. We've seen some issues with addins since we've gone to Win 7/Office 2010 (when users have more than one excel/addins session open), so that's good to know.

I read someplace that all the LSO customizations, mashups, etc are "stored on the server." I'm assuming this means the application server. Have you taken a look at these files, are they very big? Can you set up the folder where ever you want, or does LSO only want to store them in a certain place? If you are on Server 2008, did you have to turn UAC off in order for the files to be saved?

Thank you again for sharing your experiences with  LSO. Very informative!
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Lawson posted an FAQ doc that has alot of good info in it around what to expect with S3 10 on mylawson. The points about process flow replacement work efforts, workspace vs LSO, as well as design studio questions helped me with some planning exercises.

Hope it helps others as well.
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While at Inforum, we sat through a session on workspace. It was said and I confirmed that Portal is really just repackaged inside Sharepoint to make the workspace product. It is like many people run LBI within the portal. Portal will run within Sharepoint. It simply wraps around the portal screen. This helped give me some relief in terms of planning for version 10 upgrade.
Greg Moeller
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My understanding though for the back-end server, if you are going to implement LSO, you also need Landmark. We currently do not have Landmark, nor do we really want it. We've decided against the purchase of LSO and are simply going to install Workspace.
Can anyone clarify/confirm/deny?
David Britton
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I believe Landmark is required for LPA (replacement for Process Flow Integrator) and possibly for S3 10 but not for LSO on S3 9.x.

We just deployed LSO on Environment/ Apps, Sun Solaris , Oracle 11gR2 , Websphere 7.x with no issues.
Shane Jones
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We are in the process of moving to version 10 and so far i am not super impressed with wrapping current portal in a SharePoint shell. The user experience for ESS/MSS is lacking a interface. (hate that they did not give us a template)

Anyone have a solution to help with the user interface for simple ESS using workspace?

Shane Jones
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Shane Jones
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We were confused as well originally because EVERYTHING was saying that Portal is gone in V10. I have a V10 up and running and I am here to tell everyone that Portal is still alive and kicking. They did a VERY poor job of communicating around Portal changes because really all they have done is used a Sharepoint server and a Infor developed SharePoint Plug-in to wrap around the existing Portal. HOWEVER, if you have self-service users you can publish the portal link directly.

What I was trying to find out in this topic is how everyone is using the new user interfaces.  (maybe I should have just startred a new topic)...  My issue is that they have created very cool front-end for power users (LSO) and they have created a wrap for middle users (Workspace) and they still have Portal that support said I could use for ESS/MSS. At this point, I am trying to decide if ESS/MSS is going to use workspace. I just do not see what I gain from WorkSpace for my ESS/MSS users.

Also, their new bookmark structure is cascading with a combination of clicks and hovers. It is a little less intuitive than the 9.0.1.x versions and I was hoping someone might be able to share their experiences with V10 ESS/MSS. As I have talked with others I am finding that for ESS/MSS Infor expects us to create our own interface with custom HTML pages. There are no templates for ESS/MSS delivered from Infor.
Shane Jones
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John Henley
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Posted By Shane Jones on 05/23/2013 05:13 PM
I have a V10 up and running and I am here to tell everyone that Portal is still alive and kicking. 

This is misleading. While it's true that you still install "Portal", it is now "S3 for Workspace" (at least I think that's the latest name). However, there are certain functions that are removed from Portal and now exist within Workspace (e.g. the logout button no longer exists) And, you *must* login via Workspace (SharePoint) if you choose the Kerberos authentication option rather than "Lawson Security as Security Token Service" (LS as STS), Most importantly, using the "Portal" directly *without* Workspace is *NOT* supported. Don't do it.
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John Henley
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Posted By Greg Moeller on 05/16/2012 03:54 PM
My understanding though for the back-end server, if you are going to implement LSO, you also need Landmark. We currently do not have Landmark, nor do we really want it. We've decided against the purchase of LSO and are simply going to install Workspace.
Can anyone clarify/confirm/deny?

Landmark is not required nor even an option associated with LSO. Landmark runtime is required for Process Automation, which replaces ProcessFlow for v10 customers.
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John Henley
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Posted By Chris on 02/01/2012 07:43 AM
It seems pretty straightforward to me. Workspace replaces Portal. You also have the option of purchasing Smart Office and deploying it to your more sophisticated users regardless of whether everyone else is running Portal or Workspace. The decision to purchase and deploy Smart Office is not tied to the replacement of Portal by Workspace.

This is absolutely the correct answer.
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Shane Jones
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Late last week I was talking with Infor Support and then early this week I followed up with My Infor Rep because I was unhappy with some of the new features. My Rep got me on the phone with an Infor Professional Services person. Both resources have led me to believe that I can still direct my ESS/MSS users to:


In fact, the support person told me how to put the logout button back on the portal page. The logout button still exists in the "delivered" code for my 10.0.2 version - it is just commented out. Not sure why they would have told me all this if it is not supported?

I will follow up again -- I wonder if it has something do do with "ESS/MSS" users versus "Form" users?
Shane Jones
Tools: HR, Payroll, Benefits, PFI, Smart Office, BSI, Portal and Self-Service
Systems: Lawson, Open Hire, Kronos, Crystal Reporting, SumTotal Learning
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John Henley
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With Infor 10, Lawson Portal is decommissioned as an end user product; while it is still used as part of Workspace, Infor's intention is to move to a unified UI across all Infor products--Workspace, and ming.le--which sits atop Workspace.

As for ESS/MSS pages, yes, they can run outside of Workspace, since they are HTML pages/forms that are calling LSF servlets.
However, for "Portal" forms, they should be run inside of Workspace.

So yes, while Portal still exists, my understanding is that its use without Workspace is not intended or supported.

It's just like LID -- it does still exist, but its use is not supported by end users.

Where you may end up with issues is with 1) authentication--for Kerberos at least, it is done in SharePoint, and passed to Lawson, and 2) endpoints (alternate access mapping in SharePoint terms); the future direction will be that those functions will be owned by Workspace.

While we might see this change based on push-back from clients who don't want to adopt SharePoint and Workspace, I think that's unlikely.

Regardless, this is a worthwhile discussion, and very important that the community not start down a path without a complete understanding of what is involved and any possible support implications.
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Roger French
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Being that I Install v10 systems, I will say that Workspace within Sharepoint will eventually work out OK, but really only if all the underlying technology gets all the weirdness, bugs and kinks worked out, such as for example "LS to STS" authentication. I'm being positive thinking here.

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