Cannot Release PO After Cancelling Lines if Purchase Class Changed on Item

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Hi all,

We have gone through and updated our item master IC11 records to include puchasing classes.  Now, older PO's that we want to cancel remaining on the lines are causing a problem.  If we cancel the remaining on a line that has an item we changed the classes for, it allows us to do that.  But, the line won't contain the classes.  Now, the PO won't release because "Cannot use diff. purch class for I, Ntypes at line 000001"  

So, if we don't remember to change the purchasing class on the PO line to match what we updated to on the IC11 record first, we are stuck.

Any ideas!??

Carol S
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Posts: 12
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I would query out your open PO lines and include the Purchase Class. Compare that to what the current IC11 Purchase Class is and use Uploads to change the PO lines that are different. Then you should be good on the PO line.
Carol Sanguinetti
Kat V
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In a pinch for any one individual line, the buyer can drill around on the item to find the current class and then update it manually on the More Button on PO20. With Covid, we changed a bunch, buyer would change the "stuck" one they were working on then we would go find all open lines for the item and upload the purch major/minor to it.