email sweeper for POs

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Gary Padgett
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We want to send purchase orders by email for selected vendors.  I saw in documentation that if we specify the email issue option, files are placed in a folder where any email sweeper program can pick it up.  Are there 3rd-party email sweepers out there?  I am unfamiliar with them.

David Williams
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Gary - aren't you using the Lawson Fax Integrator tool? It will also email PO's if you set it up to.
David Williams
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Thanks David We will explore that option
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We use a software from Version One called DBFORM which formats the raw output into a pdf with our company logo etc. It periodically scan the nuffprint directory and emails/faxes the po's across. Also use it for formatting and sending our BACS remittances to vendors Saurabh
Chris Gawarecki
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Is this a replacement for Fax Integrator functionality or does it work along side FaxIntegrator? Do you have some more details about how the configuration is setup?
Kat V
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We use MHC to email POs with our PO overlay on them. But it works the same as Fax - whatever's faxing for you needs to be attached to a mail server basically. Then the PO120 sends them same as Fax. MHC - who provides our overlay - worked out all the server specs with IT. We did make an alteration to have the "From" address be a generic email that we monitor for responses and forward to the buyer.
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If you're not using a third party like MHC and just the Fax Integrator to send POs via email the configuration is fairly simple assuming you're already using it for faxing POs.  1. Build a directory on the Fax Integrator to sweep the /email/out directory on the Lawson server. 2. Add a PO120 job to create email POs. 3. Enter email address on PO10.1/PO10.2 and set the Issue Method to "I", if you want to always send POs via email for that vendor. Otherwise you can just enter the email address and change the issue method on the Issue tab in PO20.2 (PO Header Options) as needed.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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Hi JonA, we tested an email purchase using fax integrator and it works fine;however, the vendor's name is not shown/displayed on the documents tab. I contacted Lawson and they said it's working as designed and that functionality is not available for the fax integrator.
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Correct, the vendor name is not displayed in the Documents tab on the Fax Integrator screen for email POs. This hasn't been an issue for me as long as I can see the PO was sent successfully to the correct address.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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Right, it shouldn't be an issue for us either. I just wanted to confirm that this was true and that there was no need to customize anything on our end. Thank you!
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Jon, we are having a problem with the sender/notify email option. We have about 20 buyers but according to Lawson, we can't create different directories for each buyer. So the only directory should be email/out. When one of the buyers email a purchase order, the email only goes to one buyer. How could we change the configurations so that the email goes to the buyer who emailed the PO?
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That's not true. We're not doing this currently but I've tested the process with one of our buyers and it worked. 1. Set up separate directories for each of your buyers in the email directory on the Lawson server. 2. On the Fax Integrator, in the Directories tab, create a directory for each buyer. Be sure to enable notifications for each directory and specify the email address or check "Use Buyer's Email". I just entered the buyer's email in my testing but I think either one will work. 3. In Options/Processing/Status Update Options check Enable E-mail Notification for *BOTH send attempts. 3. Create a multi-step "Email POs" job for each buyer (multiple PO120 jobs). Identify the directories you built on the server(email/[BUYER]) in the path field for each PO120 job. *I would use BOTH because if a buyer uses an invalid email address on a PO, let's say or they try to use two email addresses and doesn't separate with a comma, subsequent email POs may not be sent. The FI sends email POs in alpaha order based on the email address. If was formatted as any PO with an email address that falls after J will be held up until it's fixed. I believe there would be only a failure notificaion for the initial failed PO. So if you set notifications for both successes and failures the buyers might notice that they didn't get a notification for any email POs that got caught up in this.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
Chris Gawarecki
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JonA has the steps correct. We've used multiple directories in the past, but since moving to a single virtual server the need has been removed. If Only I had known: your note about email address explains some of the odd behavior we saw when using multiple directories. If only I had known back then. . .
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JonA - I realize this is an old thread, but I am trying to accomplish something using FI. Our buyers are manually issuing some of their PO's via Po20 for emailed POs. I want to ensure that my Terms and Conditions link is on all PO's. According to INFOR I cannot force a comment to a PO that is not run thru PO120. If we set up multiple directories per buyer - and then allowed the PO job for each buyer to run in hourly increments - they could just release the PO and not issue them correct? The next run would pick it up and email the PO out using the job therefore placing the comment on the header. Yes? I know the EM file is what is consumed by FI but I haven't found a way to insert the comment on that file.