Order items from one department and have them charged to another

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Hello, Is it possible to have items set up that are ordered from one department, but expensed to another department. Our Pharmacy want's to have Nursing units order IV solutions through Requisitions, but have the amount charged to them. I thought about setting up a different requesting location with the pharmacy account defaulting for that, but it could get confusing for those doing the ordering to make sure they select a different Req loc for the items. Any Ideas? Thank you.
Rick Holland
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You can do this on a template (PO15) by entering the accounting unit on the template or on a par (IC81) and setting up the par location in requesting location (RQ01).Depending on who actually orders the supply and how the order is entered (RSS,MSCM,etc.) would determine which would be easier to use.
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Hi Rick, Thank you for your response. I should have given some more detail. These orders come from Omnicell units as HL7 formatted files that are read by RQ511 then RQ500 to generate the requisition. We do have Par Location set up for these areas, but when the requisition comes through the items are coming from our main store room. On the requisition's there will be a mixture of items that would be charged to the deparment that the omnicell unit resides and there would be items that would need to be charged to Pharmacy (IV solutions). We don't track quantity's at the Par location either. If we did go the route of using the Par location would we be able to specify the Accounting Unit (Department Number) for the individual items that need to be charged to Pharmacy? Thank you.
David Williams
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Your OmniCell system should be able to track the Accounting Unit by item in each supply station and feed that to Lawson via an RQ500 file. You shouldn't need IC81 records at all. If you can key specific lines on a requisition to different accounting units (and you can) then you can do the same with your RQ500 interface file.
David Williams