PO26.3 - Spread Committments

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Ryan Pistochini
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Are any of you using PO26.3 and if so, how are you using it?  I work at a public sector agency on V10, and we would like to record multi-year service contracts that have individual commitments per year.  For example, a three-year $250K contract where $100K is in the first fiscal year, $100K is in the secnd fiscal year, and $50K is in the third fiscal year.  We want to have each fiscal year committment "post" with the  applicable fiscal year (July 1), as opposed all at once at the current date or contract effective date.  We've had several issues and have been working with Infor for two years on this to get it working.  After issuing several CTPs in response that hasn't solved the issues, Infor would like us to enter an enhancement request.

I am curious if we are the only ones trying to use PO26.3, or if what we are trying to do with this screen if different from how other clients are using this screen.

Thank you,
