Special RQC to PO Lawson Item number

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A requisition is built as a special, all required fields in the header of the req are filled out appropriately, the vendor's item number is written out, after releasing the requisition the requisition line detail shows a 'suggested vendor' different than what's on the original req that is also a Lawson item non stock number. So the Lawson Item number that looks like the special vendor item number pulled to the PO with the suggested vendor. The buyer manually changed the vendor, pricing, etc...on the PO and released to the correct vendor.

Has anyone seen something like this before? Root cause / fix? This is not the first time this has happened.

Kat V
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Suggested Vendor is just what the Drill Around calls Vendor - you'll see it for item master items as well. If you are on v10 and have the audit turned on - RQ190 for the req number will show if/when the vendor was changed on the line.

I'm not sure I follow what happened. User ordered Item A as a special from Vendor 1 and when it released it ordered Item B from Vendor 2 as an item master item? Or User ordered Item A as a special from Vendor 1 and when it released Lawson ordered Item A from Vendor 2?

The screen shot shows RQ10 source - did the user not clear the screen from a previous req/line? Could some of the information be from a previous req/line?
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Here is how the buyer worded it, perhaps that will explain it better than me. (The 'red box blue box' he's referring to are screen shots) that if you want I could show, I just need to do some CIA document editing...

Also here's RQ190...nothing

Not hitting 'new' in RQC before placing a new requisition is something I've noticed that the end users don't normally do. So that is a possibility that 'ghost' images from previous req's are following the new req.


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Yes, we have seen this when the requester enters a special but the item number they use matches the item master. However, the vendor associated with the item only pulled into the reqline when the requester DID NOT enter a vendor themselves. When they did enter a vendor, either on the Misc tab or on the line, that overrode the default vendor pulled from the nonstock item data. Considering we've had the "Require Vendor on Special Items" flag set to Y for most all RQ04 records for a couple years or so now we haven't seen this issue since.

When the requester releases a req in RQC the RQC window resets to the default setting for the requester, which is essentially that same as clicking on "New".  There shouldn't be any "ghost images" or residual information left over from the previous req.  But as Kat pointed out the req source was RQ10.  There is no "New" to click to clear everything after release. They would need to perform ctrl-shift-k or transfer from RQ10 to another screen and go back.

Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health