Forum: Lawson M3 Financials

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No Budget Upload?      

Started By  Jenny Kehr
We're in the process of implementing Lawson (M3) and I am attempting to get the GL current year budget and prior year history loaded.  I am using the GLS850 for the history and thought it would be the same format for budget.  I have been told I have to hand key the budget (5,000 lines) into Lawson using BUS100 because we have FP6 (fix pack 6) and not FP7.  Can this really be true  I cannot believe it.  Is there any other way to get the GL budget data into Lawson  PLEASE!  HELP!
4 114006 0
by Jenny Kehr


Started By  lamcdo
Does anyone know how to do the following allocations in M3 I want these to be fully automatic. Would M3 be able to calculate the share between the groups to allocate an account Here are the senarios: 1. Take inventory balance from prior month and inventory balance from current month and average. Then take the average and multiply it times an interest percent which is a amount added to prime. After that allocate to Men’s branded, Men’s private label, women’s branded, women...
0 6306 0

User Information      

Started By  aron123
Hi, Im kinda new to lawson m3, and am tryign to figure out how it works - overview as well as trying to figure out how its structured. So far after a day i know that lawson m3, Comes in 3 apps: EAM, MANU, FINA.. is that true There seems to a slight difference in the databse depending on country .. i know the scehma name is different. Finally my question, which table in the database contains system user information... is it the same table accross all schemas accross all countri...
0 5794 0

S3 and M3 tables      

Started By  New User
Hi Guru's I got a table list from following site but iam little confused that these tables are related to S3 or M3 Is there any difference between S3 Financial and M3 Financial tables Waiting for replay
6 122923 0
by Rob Conrad

Email from M3      

Started By  estrella
Hi Our M3 has stopped sending out email when a user gets an inovice in aps110. We are using Readsoft ADC for scanning. The function stopped when we updated something in M3. Can anyone help me BR
0 6259 0

GLS185 - Reconciliation      

Started By  marboy
May be a very simple question but I'm VERY new to this! One of our users has reconciled an item in GLS185 in error - how do I get the status from 9 to 0 I've messed with this for way to long - there must be a simple answer:)
2 111746 0
by marboy

auto posting      

Started By  Escobar
We currently have a main company (*blank) and under Blank we have several divisions(companies). We have inter-company transactions that we want to stream line by doing an auto-posting of the AP side. Currently i use ars120 to generate the AR side, this creates an invoice, the AR entry/voucher, and the AP entry/voucher. The AR is working fully; however, the AP voucher is getting stuck in gls047. I have to go there and push the job. The job does not have any error. My user name is a ...
1 92065 0
by John Henley

General Ledger Print/Mail from M3      

Started By  Gaurav
Dear All, I am new here. and wnat to know that how to take print or mail or save general ledger of accounts GL code from M3 . Pls send the step wise solution. Regards Gaurav
0 6345 0

Exchange rate difference      

Started By  Aiva
Hello, we have faced a problem in one project. Due to country financial legislation, every document (issued, or got) in different exchange rate from the local, has to be reevaluated every month. Every end of the month - exchange rate difference has to be calculated and put to some proper GL account and customer debt account. This reevaluation happens every month, and when the final payment of CO invoice or some AP document comes, the exchange rate is calculated only from last reevaluated amou...
0 5133 0

Infor system family      

Started By  r0bs0n
Hi!! :) i'm performing some market analysis concerned Infor ERP systems(thanks to Gartner Magic Quadrant it is really worth to explore) mainly for financial activities. Could anyone recommend me which software would be better to look deeper inside: I'm taking under consideration three Infror Systems: - Infor M3 financials (Lawson) - Infor Sunsystems 6 - Infor 10 ln Erp Key system requirements: - Access to financial module form Web Browser - it's crucial - Scalable up to 5000 us...
0 5532 0

RGS600 - Report Generator      

Started By  Eddy
Anyone has M3 RGS600 - Report Generator Training I'm the new can we setup our own financial report Thanks for the big help.
0 6242 0

M3 Help with Invoice changes      

Started By  Rikki
Hi, I am fairly new to M3 Workplace. Could someone assist me with editing an invoice Is there any way to go edit an invoice I have a line that has the incorrect price. I just need to adjust the price on that one line. Thank you.
0 4601 0

Informational Survey      

Started By  JonA
I've created an informational survey looking at industry, occupation, geography, education and salary for users of Infor Lawson applications. The survey is completely anonymous. The survey will be available for 30 days and I will post the results afterward.
0 4869 0

Batch Jobs      

Started By  penny
How can i tell if batch jobs are submitted and waiting to run :)
1 106834 0
by German_M3_User

Budget Upload without using the curve      

Started By  sunloverbc
I am new to M3 and am trying to figure out a way to upload our annual budget without using the curve. I've used another version of lawson where I used the FBUDGETREL file and FB65, but this does not work for M3. Can anyone provide some instructions as well as the excel templete
0 4270 0

Accounting Period      

Started By  Scorpii
Hi ! First thanks to the community for your help and sorry if my question is too basic. I would like to create a financial accounting period 14 but I didn't find any clear explanation about it. My understanding is that in MNS100 you can select a period type for FAM and define how many period in one year for this type. However it seems that in CRS910 the period still remain 12 periods. Does someone know if it's possible to have 14 proper period in finance and how to set them up. T...
0 4919 0


Started By  Wynn
Hi, I am brand new to M3 and I am looking for any documentation on using GLS850. All I have is the file layout and not much more. Does Infor provide this documentation Thanks Wynn
0 5650 0

Inventory Reconciliation...      

Started By  Woodrowe
I am reconciling Finished Goods inventory using report CAS530 to the general ledger. I am off $ general ledger amount is greater than my CAS530 report. I did a standard cost update to finished goods during the month. Any ideas as to why I am this far off Could it be distribution orders that are in transit from one warehouse to another warehouse Thanks:(
0 5847 0

Month End Translation      

Started By  M3otter
If a division has a different functional currency than the parent company, how do you run month end translation for that division Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
0 5867 0

Movex V11 - GRNI report      

Started By  Razvan Sodoleanu
Hi, I'm sorry if this not the right place for my question, but I couldn't find a forum for older Movex versions. I'm trying to create a GRNI report for a Movex V11 RPG system, and am struggling a bit. In V12.4 Java, which I'm more familiar with, we had the table FGRECL, where I could get almost all of the data I needed. Can you tell me if there is a similar table in the older versions or what tables could give me the data of invoices matched to goods receptions Thanks, Razvan
0 4649 0

Performance Custom M3 API Program with REST      

Started By  famores
Hello, I don't work with M3 but I'm doing an integration with M3 Cloud. Our REST client is going to consume data from a custom M3 API program via REST call. This custom program would export transactional data. In the worst case, they estimate that volume of data would be 1.500.000 transactional records. Has any one experience with this kind of calls so can add feedback about potential issues exporting that amount of data from a custom M3 API program being called remotely with REST An...
0 5412 1

print comments with accounts receivable reports      

Started By  NeedLawsonHelp
Is there any way I can print the comments along with the accounts receivable reports
0 3522 0

AP520 File Format      

Started By  Joan at Stony Brook
Due to the way we process invoices for the state our consultant has suggested that we map EDI 810's directly to the AP520 file format instead of MA540. Has anyone done this
0 4389 1

GLS215 versus CAS530/1      

Started By  SShaffer
Good Day All! I’d like to get peoples thoughts and opinions on something… Our Finance Team will run the “GLS215 General Balance File Display” program, and specifically look at the totals for “Account 1200 – Raw Material In” and “Account 1220 Finished Goods”. Then they will run the “CAS530 Inventory Value. Print Reconciliation List”, which has a total at the bottom of the report. There is an expectations that the “Detail Reports” (i.e. CAS530) should match the Trial Balances (i.e. GLS...
0 3964 0

Closing / Clearing Processes for Invoiced Goods      

Started By  SShaffer
Good Morning All! I'm diving into to help out the Finance / Accounting group with a new issue they are trying to solve. The local Accounting group has just taken over from another business unit, and recently begun to use the Invoice Goods Not Received (IGNR) functionality in the A/P system. We now have a debit balance building in our Invoiced Goods Not Received (IGNR) A/P clearing account and an apparent off-setting credit balance building in the Goods Received Not Invoiced (GRNI) A/...
0 3912 0
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