OIS199 data not in streamfile

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Going through the data cleansing of legacy to make sure all the data is in consistent boxes - sounds good, should work.

Now we get to modifying Invoice print layout, and find that Customer City or Town field is not in the data stream....Response from Lawson - put it in one of the other address fields. Or do an SQL call to get the data.

Also, if an order has a line with all requested qty for an item  on back order, the whole line is dropped from OIS199 output. I think most customers would reasonably expect to be informed of that information?

As Marge would say, MMMMMMM.

Anybody else seen this,asked for action?




John Harper
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Posts: 1
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We found the postcode field was missing on a number of documents (invoice and statement to name just two) but were fortunate to realise this early in the implementation process. We were able to shame Lawson bigwigs into admitting it was wrong, and they gave us a mod to add the missing fields. It's already been done so there's no harm in asking ... John