Forum: Lawson S3 Financials

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Lawson manuals      

Started By  Deleted User
I am new to Lawson and my company does not have any manuals for the GL package. Is there anywhere I can get a good manual on Lawson GL
3 76735 1
by Jay

cancel matched invoice that is out of balance      

Started By  Kenny B
I have a matched invoice that I would like to cancel. The catch is that is will not let me cancel, because the system has it marked payment out of balance. Would anyone happen to know why the system will not let me cancel in MA75.1 The error received is 'cannot cancel; payments out of balance'.   I show no payments associated with this invoice.   Thank you, Kenny Brewer
4 59588 2
by john44

EDI 810 Invoices      

Started By  Deleted User
Hi, Anyone have any tips and lessons learned about interfacing drop ship or expense type invoices into MA540 An example would be pharmacy, food, or office suppies. We're in healthcare and use O&M and GHX EDI 810s for for inventory, non-stocks and specials. We are looking for ways to take the data entry load off our AP staff for non receiving type purchase orders. Please post or e-mail to Looking forward to networking with you.
16 17198 1
by Jndie

Extracting Received Not Invoiced (PO135) with SQL      

Started By  mikekask
I am trying to automate the data gathering for an AP Scorecard report in Excel. Part of the info I need is the Received Date and the Current Amount for PO's that are received but not invoiced. This info prints on the PO135 report, but I would like to get the data directly with an SQL query through an Oracle Client. This can all be done with a VBA macro in Excel. I need to know what fields and tables to get the data from. I'm not sure if this type of thing is discussed in this forum or on this si...
5 34913 1
by JonA

Migrating From Lawson To Oracle EBS GL      

Started By  Andy
Can someone please help with the migration path from Lawson to Oracle Financials GL. More specifically, what do i need to do on the functional side. ThanksVery Much, Andy
2 30936 0
by Ashwin

Bad File status 3 5 on sortfile      

Started By  Vijay S
I got an error Bad File status 3 5 on sortfile in IC130(General Ledger Interface) and job went to needs recovery state. Again Submitted the job, It completed successfully . What could have been the most probable reason(s) for its failure Regards, Vijay
1 45993 0
by LauaLuau

Ma540 sample      

Started By  Peter Griffen
Hi everyone Does anyone have a sample ma540 file that would work for a three way match I'm am having some issues with the match and am having a hard time tracing the problem. Thanks
18 53100 5
by Rani Ilapa

Add-Ins Upload to AP20.1 & Need Comments      

Started By  Kris
We are mass uploading invoices to AP20.1 and would like to include Check Comments in the upload to get printed on the Cheques. Has anyone been successful in doing this Found this post, but don't know if anyone has been successful. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Kris
8 51009 4
by Cactus

AP Open Invoice Report      

Started By  Rajashanmugam
Open Invoice Report. Need to create one. My Manager wants to see the combination of AP150 and AP136 before running AP150. They want to run this report on demand and decide which invoice is to be paid and which one is not to be. Researched and looked into AP20 and AP30 screens along with AP150 and AP136's table list here in The list is long. Started with APINVOICE, looking into APDISTRIB, but stuck here. Business users are not as much help as they also do not know how to h...
3 44519 0
by Rajashanmugam

Revenue Recognition from BL      

Started By  Carol S
Is it possible to add an invoice in BL and still do revenue recognition If so, how do you set up the activity to do revenue recognition only
1 33131 1
by Ken U

GL01.4 flags      

Started By  Dennis Amory
The flags on our GL01.4 screen have been mysteriously reset. That has messed up the commits and encumbrances of our PO's. Based on our data backups we could tell those flags were set correctly as recently as 2 weeks ago. Is there an audit screen or tool I could use to determine when the flags were reset/cleared, and by whom Grateful for any assistance.
1 50257 0
by Dennis Amory

Company Control      

Started By  bobc
We have numerous companies in Lawson for our Finance users and we have moved from LAUA security to Lawson security. I haven't been able to figure out how to restrict security classes to certain companies. I was able to restrict access by process levels with this element: if(user.attributeContains('ProcessLevelControl',PROCESS_LEVEL)) 'ALL_ACCESS' else 'NO_ACCESS' and entering the process levels in the ProcessLevelControl field in the user's profile but it doesn't seem to work with ...
0 2985 1

Quarterly Payment Terms      

Started By  lvlawson
A/P Manager is requesting to pay a supplier quarterly at the end of each quarter for all invoices in that quarter. Sounds like a proxy term but not seeing an option to build a proxy term for anything but monthly. I was able to gather all invoices for a single month and push payment out two months but that is not the desired outcome. Are quarterly proxy terms possible (I.e. all Jan, Feb, Mar invoices due Apr 1)
0 3042 0

v10 Audit (AC, AP, AM, GM...) Tables      

Started By  Dave K
Does anyone have a list of tables and their fields
1 38995 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Posting to AP30.2 Error      

Started By  Ruchika
Help!! Anyone know how to solve this problem. When we enter PO invoices in AP20.2 some don't post to AP in AP30.2 form. We cannot figure out why or how to fix it. They are all random invoices so no commonality. This started with the recent upgrade. Any suggestions
0 3458 0

AP03.1 data issues      

Started By  Chris Willhoite
Our AP team uses attributes on the vendors, and the data that displays in the AP03.1 screen does not match the data in the APVNMXVAL table. This is causing issues with integrations with other applications and reports. As a test I updated the data in AP03.1 and the database does not update. Is there another table that AP03.1 may be linked to or another reason that the data is not the same between Lawson and the database
3 35138 1
by John Henley

RW Reports and Acct Groups      

Started By  TMcAuley
I just added several new accounts to our GL. We have a large selection of reports in RW and a lot of them use Account Groups. I have three Account Groups that might need these new accounts included, but I can't tell what reports are using them in order to see the purpose for the grouping. What I was hoping to find was a report that would list all of the report names that use each of these account groups.
3 31081 1
by TMcAuley

MHC Invoice Images in Crystal Reports      

Started By  dcaiani
We are using MHC Ix Entry I need some help getting image links in Crystal Reports that will reside on LBI. Is anyone else out there doing the same Please help!
0 3853 0

Extend Accounting Period End Date      

Started By  lawsonny
Hello, I am new to Lawson and function as an administrator and I have a bit of a problem. I don't know how this happened, nor did my director explain it to me, but the current accounting period we are in is ending to early. It should end next week Saturday and I was told by Infor support that any transactions within the current period have to be reposted to another open period to initiate a change to an end date. To add another layer of complexity, we have assorted transaction in varying stat...
21 54917 1
by lawsonny

Foreign Currency Payments      

Started By  Boyd
Currently we are reconciling foreign currency payments using a two step process. We reconcile the USD amount in CB80. This results in a difference from what was processed in Lawson that is resolved in CB30. Is there a one step process to reconcile these payments All of the differences from CB30 are posted to the same realized Gain/Loss account.
0 3134 0

MA540 Fatal Error Report: Discount Rate Required      

Started By  SSmith
Need help in fixing fatal error: Discount rate required on MA540 fatal error report. MA54 shows the Discount Date but the Discount Rate and Amount fields are blank. The vendor in particular do not receive discounts. We setup the following substitution table but, still receiving error. Does anyone have any suggestions on how this can be corrected List name: L1_MAP_INV_TERMS Lawson Value: N External Value: Tpid
0 3146 1

AP20.1 Upload & MA43.1 Error      

Started By  Cactus
Successfully uploaded in invoice to AP20.1 with an add-in. The message from the add-in was, 'Add complete - Voucher 767533'. So that was successful. But when the accountant goes to MA43.1 for the match, we get an error. Does anyone know if I can simultaneously upload to MA43.1 on the AP20.1 add-in What would be the solution to this. Thank You in advance.
0 3233 0

AC/BR/GM in foreign company      

Started By  Joe Carfagno
We currently use AC, BR, and GM in one company that is USD. Our Sponsors are in the US. We are thinking of setting up AC, BR, and GM in other companies that use different currencies (GBP and Euros). Does anyone have experience using multiple currencies for Grants and billing in US. Any advice would be appreciated.
0 5899 1

PO190 Last Run Audit      

Started By  SSmith
Is there a way we can figure out what user ran last this program PO190
2 15679 0
by John Henley

PO Matched Dollars and Matched Quantity      

Started By  Ann
Can anyone share the Lawson calculation to determine Purchase Order * Matched Dollars and * Matched Quantity Thank you,
0 3609 0
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