Cannot delete non-GL journal entries GL45

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I am trying to delete some old entries that are lingering in GL45. However, I am unable to delete those Journal Entries that are in an unreleased state. The error message that I receive is: "Cannot delete non-GL journal entries". Any insight on this is much appreciated. I've been carrying stuff forward for years now and would just like to get it out of there. Thanks, -Ariel
Ragu Raghavan
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If you are not averse to some minor customization, comment out (or change as need) these lines in the lib GLJP71PD and recompile GL45. 000920****************************************************************** 000990 001000 IF (GLC-RELEASED-FLAG NOT = "S") 001010 AND (GLC-SYSTEM NOT = "GL" AND "RJ" AND "CA" AND "CU") MOVE GLC-SYSTEM TO DB-SYSTEM PERFORM 840-FIND-SYSSET1 IF (SYSTEMCODE-NOTFOUND) OR (SYS-RECORD-TYPE NOT = "U") 001020 MOVE 103 TO CRT-ERROR-NBR 001030 GO TO 2200-END. 001040
Patricia Wilson
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How can I see who deleted a journal