Crystal-Units issue at the AU level

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I have been trouble shooting this for the past few days as a note. I am pulling units that I have setup in the Stats area for the GL, for us accounts 9xxxx I am using the following tables and started over today to try and figure out where the issues happen: GLUNITS, GLCONSOL, and GLSYSTEM. Some items I noticed is that the Var.level does not have everything listed on the GLUNITS as it is missing the main level at 010000000000 but has the department level, where as the GLCONSOL does not have the department/AU level. I have checked the linkage and seems okay, but it may still be a linkage issue. At this point I am stuck as it makes not sense. I do know it has something to do with the two table linkage because I can pull correct data from each table when they are not linked. I am starting to wonder if a subreport is going to be needed. Thank you ahead of time for any help.