JE-Memo transaction

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Hello Lawson heads! (smile)
I’m pretty new to the Lawson GL module. If someone can tell me where I can find the status of a specific GL transaction “memo”, I would really appericate it. How the accountants have told me to find the status is as follows:
1) Log into Lawson desk top application.
2)  Go to the specific screen:  GL41
3) Enter in specific GL-JE  (Company, year..ect..ect)
4) ‘Drill around’ to the “Transaction Detail” screen.
5) Once on the main screen click the small  ”SC” box, then to  “Transaction Detail” (small icon at the top of application)  screen is up and loaded with data. The status types are sometimes “History”, but what I am looking for is the status of “Memo”. That is the status that I need to find for every GL-JE transaction.

I am currently using SQL to pull specific transaction details the GLTRANS table. However, I cannot find the specific status for a transaction titled “Memo”.  

As I am not an accountant, this maybe confusing and I would like to apologize in advance to all those who keep companies financially afloat and payroll coming! (Smile)

 Thank you…
Sam Simpson
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In GLTRANS if STATUS : 0=unrelease, 1=release, 5=error, 8=memo & 9=history
John Henley
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Posts: 3351
The Lawson GLTRANS table is where the actual transactions are stored; you'd need to select against that table WHERE STATUS=8 to see memo-only transactions. Not sure what they're looking for....but that's how you can find them.
Thanks for using the forums!
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Ahh thank you both. Worked correctly. All Memo type transactions were found. (smile)