Matching GLTrans to Invoices/PO

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Is it possible to match information from a general ledger adjustment to a PO or Invoice? I have dumbed every table I can think of to find something I can use to tie the GLTrans information to a PO or invoice. The system code for the adjustment I am looking for is IC (Inventory Control). Are there definitions available for the system codes (IC, OE, PO, WO, PH) so I can see if IC type system codes even tie back to an invoice or PO?
Kat V
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I have not done it so grain of salt time! If you have a specific line you can see on GL90, drill around to the inventory control folder - that should give you a document number - if that number appears on GLTRANS then try to tie it to ICTRANS or ICTRANSDTL on that doc number.