Forum: Hosting / Cloud

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Started By  linda phillips
We are currently Rco and looking for a possble new host. Can anyone shed any light on companies that host Lawson RCO
16 19943 0
by wilcoxmad

Internal hosting vs. Lawson hosting      

Started By  soonerfanatic
In general, I am interested in hearing your thoughts about the pluses and minuses of internal hosting vs. Lawson platinum or other hosting services.  Our internal IT professionals from an AS400 and SQL perspective are more than adequate to support from the hardware / application availability standpoint, the lack of knowledge is specific to Lawson software and processes. Without factoring in all of the financial aspects, please share your experiences, challenges, and recommendations regarding int...
3 10189 0
by Shane Jones

lawson running apps      

Started By  linda phillips
Does anyone have Lawson running the application for lawson (RCO) If so could we chat
0 6595 0

Hosting Question      

Started By  jjcyeshua
Hi!  I need some ideas/input on something my company is thinking about doing. Currently our lawson system is being hosted by a third-party, but necessary budget cuts needs to happen so we are looking at hosting the server on our own.  What are the things i should consider (hiring consultants, db admin, technical issues moving it). Any help would be great.. Thank you
1 5450 0
by Shane Jones

Lawson Hosting      

Started By  Kathy Koval
We are evaluating whether or not to have our Lawson applications hosted externally. I am curious to know if anyone is doing so, which providor you are using and whether or not you are happy with them.
5 8471 0
by Terry2

Lawson Hosting      

Started By  BradF
Can Lawson be hosted by a non-Lawson partner Would Lawson support it
0 5664 0

Lawson Cloud DR typo      

Started By  Travis Cox
This made me laugh, so I thought I'd pass it on. Lawson sent out an email touting their cloud based DR. https://mylawson.lawson.c...-res.pdfMOD=AJPERES The last sentence in the excerpt below is some kind of Freudian slip to be sure :P Get Back Critical Business Data in as few as 12 Hours Disaster Recovery Services replicates your most critical business processes — including payroll, finance and procurement — in as few as 12 hours. Many of today’s disaste...
1 2974 0
by CindyW

Changing Hosting Provider      

Started By  BradF
We are reviewing all of our options as we come to the end of our current hosting contact. I am looking to find someone who has changed hosting provider to find out their experience. We are just in the early stages of reviewing our options.
2 5416 0
by BradF

Lawson Hosting Options Feedback      

Started By  BernieW
We are considering moving our Lawson Hosting 'into the Cloud'. If you have any experiential feedback with hosting services from Ciber, Lawson, Velocity, or the Revere Group I would appreciate hearing about them. Please feel free to email your responses if you prefer not to post them. Thank you.
0 5529 0

Lawson Hosting Services      

Started By  Paula Bassett
I work for a public school district that contracts with another K-12 organization for Lawson business system applications. It's possible we may need to look for a different host for our Lawson systems and I would like to hear from anyone that is using Lawson as a host. Particularly interested in support and customer service, connectivity, and cost. Thank you, PaulaB
0 6143 0

Lawson Cloud and Managed Services      

Started By  Mark Larochelle
Hello everyone! My organization, the State of NH, is considering deploying all of our ERP S3 Financials, HR, Budget and Payroll data into Lawson's Cloud along with their Managed Services program. Does anyone have any experiences, comments, recommendations, good or bad I have heard a number of opinions, but they are normally based on specific agendas and I really need to hear 'the down and dirty' from a user base that does not have a vested interested! Thank-you in advance for any feedback.
6 12150 1
by Debra Z.

Infor to offer Lawson S3 as SAAS model?      

Started By  Joe O'Toole
I was told by my Lawson account manager that in the very near future (~6 months) Infor is going to offer S3 customers a SAAS option where the hosted apps, maintenance and upgrades would all be bundled into a single monthly fee. Does anyone have any information on this Thanks.
1 6500 0
by AngieP

Lawson Practice @ DELL      

Started By  Brinda Prabhakaran
Dell Services’ Healthcare Consulting Solutions enable healthcare organizations to maximize the impact of their IT investments while driving significant improvements in productivity, efficiency, quality, financial performance, and patient/clinical satisfaction. We are much more than just an IT service provider. We are a strategic healthcare solutions partner who works hand-in-hand with your executives, IT staff, clinicians, and administrators to: - Improve clinical and business pro...
0 7531 0

Cloud computing and its impact on Lawson      

Started By  L G
Hi Given the rise of cloud computing and the push it is receiving from Lawson and other application vendors what changes do you foresee in the way Lawson is supported across organizations. The traditional Lawson support model is probably going the way of the dodo and having staff within the organization will be redundant for application support and maintenance and an occasional upgrade. However what are the roles/responsibilities for software developers and consultants that you still foresee ...
3 7238 0
by Peter O


Started By  cBreeze
Anyone had any experience with NTT DATA Hosting Lawson Would like to hear any feedback. Regards!
0 5248 0

Velocity - Managed Services      

Started By  lawsonguestuser
Has anyone worked with Velocity Would like to get some feedback. Pl advise
2 5618 0
by This_Guy

On Premise S3 -> Infor GHR Cloud hosting?      

Started By  Jimmy Chiu
Anyone went from on-premise S3 to Infor's GHR cloud/SaaS Looking for feedback. Thanks!
2 4621 1
by SWilkins

Upcoming decision on Lawson S3      

Started By  Jolene Jackson
Hello all, We are looking to gather some information in regards to how previous or current Lawson S3 customers are approaching the upcoming decision regarding moving forward with Infor Cloudsuite. Are you currently On Prem vs Cloud for existing Lawson users What are you being told in regards to Infor Cloudsuite and, are you are going to do an RFP evaluation as a result. What Vendors/Solutions are you considering as a replacement for Lawson S3 Financials, supply chain, distribution and HR...
15 6386 4
by John Henley

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