Looking for feedback on Implementation Services companies

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We are currently reviewing bids for Implementation services for the move to version 10 for our procurement suite and also to move our mainframe based HR/Payroll and General Ledger apps to Lawson(Infor). The four companies are Lawson, Ciber, RPI/Aster and Xerox. Any information as to your experience with these companies would be helpful in making a decision on which one to use. Also, any information with Lawson's Quick Step and if it was useful or not. Thank you.
Brinda Prabhakaran
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Hi Jim,
Please reach out to me if you have any Lawson requirements. Dell has an excellent Lawson practice and we would be glad to help you with it.

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My only piece of advice in planning this as we are in the planning phase as well, look for companies and consultants that have done the move to version 10 many times. Particularly is you have not implemented the pieces like security, LSO and LPA that you can do prior to the move to version 10. I want only people who have done this move several times and not learning on my dime. With that said I know Lawson and Ciber have done numberous of these, I have not talked to anyone recently from RPI or Xerox to see how many they have in place already.

I don't oppose other firms getting involved but want to know they know their stuff, interview the consultants that would be working on the project and get comfortable with them.

Just general thoughts that might help.
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Hi Brinda and Mark,
We settled on Ciber to assist us and so far they have been doing well. Thank you.
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I'm a bit late to the game for you, but I advise you to stay away from Quick Step. We used it for imlementation and we are still cleaning up the messes from it.
Companies that can afford to purchase Lawson can't use the simplified Quick Step as it is designed.
Terry P
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I just wanted to chime in also regarding Ciber. We choose them to do a very small custom program for us. They have done an excellent job in understanding the requirements - and to fix issues that came up "on their dime". We will definitely look to them for projects in the future.