Will there be LSF 11 in near Future ?

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Vijay S
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Will there be LSF 11 in near Future OR LSF 10 will be the last version which Infor has released. Will INFOR be completely moving towards LANDMARK in near future ?

Thank You !

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At the Inforum 2016 - California they said yes going over to Landmark
Kat V
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I'm on a couple of user calls - that's definitely the company line. No new s3 versions - v11 (which is currently called cloud suite) is Landmark based and Finance goes next, then SCM.
Greg Moeller
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I've also heard that Ming.le goes away in version 12.
Jimmy Chiu
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The sharepoint goes away in Ming.le 12.
The free foundation version of Ming.le goes away also.
There will be only 1 version of Ming.le 12 and the installation process was quite breezy I must add.

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We moved to the hosted 10.0.7 version of Infor CloudSuite financials around 2 1/2 years ago. When we did the migration they moved us over onto Windows Server 2008 R2 because they said they didn't have a direct migration path to Windows Server 2012 yet. Because Microsoft is deprecating support for 2008 in 2020 we suddenly have to either upgrade to 10.1 to migrate to V11 multi-tenant before the deadline. A 6 to 9 month implementation. They are pushing really hard for us to go to V11. One very interesting point about V11 is it runs on the Linux platform. They have said there are no plans after 10.1 to continue supporting the Windows platform. Since Windows Server 2012 will be deprecated in 2023 all customers will have to migrate to V11 of the CloudSuite applications. Is there anyone out there who is running an On-Premise LSF environment on Windows Server higher than 2012?
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v11 is strictly Landmark unless you have Payroll. then it will be what they call a Hybrid environment using Landmark V11 and LSF Payroll.
Joe O'Toole
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This is the first I've heard about Infor not supporting Windows moving ahead however if their game plan is to have everyone in the cloud and eliminate "on prem" then it's a moot point. I believe there are still many companies that do not want to be hosted or are not permitted to be but that could change. From what I understand, Infor has not even published a sunset date for 10.X yet so whatever happens is still a long way off (2025?). As far as payroll goes, I heard they are getting close to having a Landmark version ready. Another tidbit at our last user group meeting was that ADP is integrated in V11. It was not clear if this was just an optional bolt-on and makes me wonder what they are thinking and how this impacts the Landmark payroll module. Even though we are not hosted I think replacing Cobol with Java at this point is long overdue, I just hope they got the business logic right but that's what beta testers are for! :D
Alex Tsekhansky
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Who said they're not supporting Windows moving forward??
LM 11 Linux is in Beta right now, and not even a GA date announced yet (as far as I know). Some of the Cloud hosted clients run it, but that's about it.
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We are currently in the process of making a choice between going to CloudSuite Financials 10.1.x or Landmark v11. The reason for going to 10.1 would be to migrate from Windows Server 2008 R2 which Infor provisioned us on when we went from 9.0.1 to 10.0.7 in 2016. During these talks the question was asked about when Infor would be updating the windows platform to a version higher then 2012. The answer was Infor is focused on moving customers onto a multi-tenant hosted CloudSuite v11 which utilizes the Linux platform and no plans have been made to upgrade the windows platform. If we decide to go to v11 it looks as though we will get started in Mid February with the implementation. Of course Infor could have been using sales tactics to vaguely answer our questions so we will go to v11. One never knows.
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Going forward, Infor will host 2 environments. Windows / SQL or RH Linux / Oracle. Those are the only two platforms that V11 will support in their cloud. My understanding is that in their Cloud services, it's all currently hosted on Windows. We choose to be on prim, so we are currently deciding the direction to upgrade since our DB choice of DB2 is not supported in Landmark 11. But if you want to move from 10.1.1 Landmark to Landmark 11, your database choice is SQL or Oracle. Basically they are trying to squeeze people to their hosted Cloud services. But even in the latest greatest version of Infor Lawson / Landmark, the S3 environment still exist.